Is it Happy Ending?

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-2 week after-
-9 pm-

I was divorced to Jimin oppa already. And I heard from Jaemin unnie that they're hanging out very often already. Jimin oppa's mom was shocked at first cause we wanted to divorced but soon she understand and let us divorced. I'm glad for Jaemin unnie and Jimin oppa. I open my phone and decide to text Tae.


V aka Tae:

I'm bored

V aka Tae:
Then...let's meet up!


V aka Tae:
I'll pick you up. I'll bring you somewhere

In 30 minutes?

V aka Tae:
Yea sure!

//Time Skip//

Tae basically brought me to amusement park. We ride a few rides and play some games there. Lastly, we go on the Ferries Wheel. I was looking at the night scenery outside and didn't notice that Tae is staring at me. When we're on top...he broke the silence.

"Y/n..." he call me as I look at him, smiling as he smile back showing his box smile

"I know...this is not the right time to say cause you just divorced but..."

"I like you no I mean I love you- aghhh...forget it" he said as I gasped and he close his face with his hand

"T-Tae...are you serious?" I ask as he peek between his eyes to look at me and he nod

"I-I-" I stuttered. I don't know! What should I do?! Do I need to confess to?!

"No! Don't answer!" He said.

Ugh. Forget it. I go to him and hug him.

"I love you too!" I said as he put down his hand.

"Really?!" He ask and I nod while blushing.

" can be my girlfriend?" He ask while blushing

"Yes!" I said and didn't realize that I just...peck his freaking cheek.

"You just peck my cheek!" He exclaimed as I look another way.

We didn't notice that we already at the bottom. So we go out...while holding hands.

"I love you~" he said as I laugh

"Love you too" I said






//After couple of month//

At first mom and dad hesitate to accept the fact that I am dating with Tae but soon was convinced by me, Yoongi oppa and Kim's family so they accepted and today I am at Tae's house cause we're going somewhere.

"Tae! Faster we're going to be late!" I said

"Wait! I'm feeding Yeontan" he said as I head to the car first with the dress I'm wearing.

After a while he come while wearing the black tuxedo and get in the car as he drives us to the venue. You must be curious where we're going right? Wait and just read.

When we arrived, we go in the hall and I head to the bride room while he goes to the groom room.

"Jaemin unnie!" I go to her

"I can't believe you're going to married so soon!" I add

"I know right. But what to do...I feel like I've already met my soulmate. Thanks to you" she said

"Jimin oppa must be happy to have you!" I said as she blushed

//Time Skip//
-After the wedding-

We are all going back.

"Bye unnie!" I hug her as she hug me back

"You too Jimin oppa" I said and hug him as he hug back.

"Let's go Y/n!" Tae said

"Okay bye guys! Have fun tonight" I wink at them as they blushed

"You'll dead soon Y/n!" Jaemin unnie yell

I head to the car with Tae as he drives us home.

"When we will be married too?" Tae ask

"Why? You want to married already?" I ask while looking at him who is driving but he just smile

"Soon Tae. Soon" I said as he grab my hand with one of his hand while the other hand holding the wheel

"Love you~" he sang

"Basically, how many times you'll said that in a xay" I ask while smiling

"If I can, I will said it every second" he said while still smiling looking forward of course.

"Mm...I love you too" I said as he squeeze my hand.


Wah! This story if officially completed! Anyway I would like to thank 05user for helping me giving idea for this story! Btw I hope there's no grammar mistakes or typos. I really hope you enjoyed this whole story and please vote! Also go and check out my other story too!

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