Help Me

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-9 pm-

My friend leave this morning and now my parent just came home. I am in my room chatting with V.

"Y/n..." Yoongi oppa suddenly appear on my door and call me.


"Mom and dad called you" Yoongi said as I head down while he followed me.

I saw my parent are sitting at the living room. I sit across them on the sofa with Yoongi oppa beside me. Judging by their facial expression we're going to have a serious talk.

"I'm here" I said to let them know my present.

"You know our family company and Park company are close right?" My dad started as I nod.

"So...when we're on the short vacation we met them. And they said they really like you and they want you to be their.....daughter-in-law" dad said and my jaw dropped.

"They said they like you because you're an independent woman and kind hearted. We also like their son...his handsome and lovely. Plus it will make both of our company stribger. You're friend with him right?" Mom said in excited voice as I nod hesitantly

"Then it'll easy since you know him you're gonna married soon!" Mom exclaimed

" you mean...Park Jimin?" I ask and they nod. My breath became faster time to time now.

"I'm 16 years old mom! I'm still studying" I ask

"I don't know what to say but it's rude to say no right?" Mom said and sit beside me patting my back.

"You can divorce after 5 years" Dad said

"You agree or still need to get married with him" he add and I feel tears starting to visible in my eyes.

"I n-need to go" I said and ran upstairs.

I jump on my bed and put a pillow over my face. I started to feel the tears has flow out my eyes. But I don't want to cry. I don't know why I want to cry, I mean I can just divorce after 5 years. I feel hurt, really hurt.

I think I know why...I'm crying. It's because of my parent. I've been controlled by them since forever. I know I need to really followed what they said but at the same I should feel free too but not like this. Since I was born until now...I never feel free. All I need to do is followed them.

Min Yoongi POV

I freaking can hear her sob from my room even if I know she's crying in her pillow. I feel really bad for her. I know her life is controlled with my parent. Different from me. They thought I'm matured already and I can take care of myself, well I am. But this is about Y/n. I don't know why they are controlling her.

She matured enough to take care of herself I mean I know sometime she may not be in her right mind like yesterday when she made the waitress fall on her face but for me she's ready enough and I will always be on her back. I decide to go and calm her down.

"Y/n" I call her but didn't waste my time and just barge in. She is on the bed while a pillow on her face.

"Y/n..." I call her as I hear she sniffed.

"What..." she ask but more to statement with the crying voice.

"Are you okay?" I ask

"No" she reply as I sat beside her.

"Jimin is not a bad guy, you know that right?" I ask

"It's not about Jimin oppa just like they said his handsome and lovely and I admitted. It's just because I recalled how much mom and dad controlled my life" she said muffled.

"*sigh* I guess they just want the best for you" I said as I stroked her hair

"Hmm...I wish I become stronger, that even when I am being controlled I will never feel like it" she said

"You should sleep. Properly" I said to her. She sat up for a while with tears all over face as she wipe them with her shirt. She suddenly hug me.

"Oppa...saranghaeyo" she mumble

"Me too. Remember, I will always by your side okay?" I ask and she nod

"Now let's put you to bed like a kid" I tease as she glared at me and she slip in the duvet.

"Goodnight" I said as I kiss her cheek and left.

Min Y/n POV

I'm really grateful to have a brother like Yoongi oppa, I thought as I droft to sleep.









//Next morning//

I wake up at the sound of my alarm ringing. It's school today. *sigh* How do I face Jimin oppa, I know he would know about this too. I shrugged it off for a while. I went to shower and when I finished. I wear my school uniform and take my backpack with my phone.

I head down as I join my family that is eating breakfast. Wait...I hope my face looks fine since last night cried. Yes...I look at the mirror while tying my hair but I just focus on my hair and barely look at my face. That's me.

"Mom dad...can you give me a choice? Please" I stared to beg

"Ms. Park just call us and said she's not forcing if you already has a boyfriend. Do you have one?" Mom ask

"Y-yes I have!" I lied as Yoongi oppa gaze snapped at me.

"Bring him on Wednesday. I want to meet him" Dad said and I just nod

"Shit" I cursed under my breath.

Wait...I can get someone to pretend to be my boyfriend! Wow I'm smart. But who?

//Time Skip//

"Help me!" I whine to him

"Help you with what? You never ask me for help and plus you even treat me like shit" he said

"I'm really sorry but's not the problem. Help me pretending to be my boyfriend" I said

"Your boyfriend?!" I close his mouth quickly

"Shh! I don't want anyone to know" I said and he nod as I pull my hand back

"Okay then...but promise me...we're bestfriend now" he said and I nod

"Omg thank you so much. I really owe you. By the need to come to my house on Wednesday. My parent wants to meet you" I said

"Okay...but may I know need a fake boyfriend?" He ask

"Actually I need to get marry with Jimin oppa but I don't want so my parent said if I has a boyfriend then I don't need to get married" I said as he just nod.

"Thank you very much" I said

"Your welcome. But how long?" He ask

"Long enough after they gain trust that you're my boyfriend" I said and he nod

"Hey guys!"Suddenly Jimin oppa came and sat across us

"Hi!" we said

"Did your parent tell something about us?" I ask him

" They didn't tell anything. Why?" he said and I sigh relief

"Nothing...just asking"

Park Jimin POV

Honestly I know. I know we're getting an arranged married and I know you rejected by saying you have boyfriend even if you don't. I'm hurt cause I thought you will agreed. Maybe I've fall in love with someone wrong.

-to be continue-

Sorry for any grammar mistakes or typos. You'll know who is her fake boyfriend soon. I hope you enjoyed and please stay tune~

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