Know You

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-Next Day-

I wake up to go to school of course, the same thing. The different is how anxious I am because of the thing that will happen tomorrow. I can't believe I pick him to be my boyfriend. I head downstairs and eat with them.

"So...can your boyfriend come tomorrow?" Mom ask and I choke on my food as Yoongi oppa hand me a glass of water.

"U-uh...y-yea...he can" I said

"Good" Dad reply

I finish eating and is heading to Mr. Cha car with Yoongi oppa.

"So...who's your lucky fake  boyfriend?" Yoongi oppa ask while we go in the car.


"Hahahahahah him?! Why him?!" He said laughing

"I don't know... I mean he's the only one available because Kook, our parent know he's a playboy and I'm gonna get killed by them. While Joon oppa and Jin oppa...I know they're the secret couple while Hobi oppa has a girlfriend and Jimin oppa...he's the one I need to married with. That leave me with no other choice than him" I said

"Okay then...I'm gonna help you...Wait...but how did you know Jin hyung and Joon are dating?" he said as I just nod

"I have my ways. You guys can't keep a secret from me. I always know" I said while smirking

"Hang out with Tae this evening after school. Get to know each other and make up a story about how you guys meet or whatsoever so that if our parent ask some questions, you guys can answer" he said

"Hangout with Taehyung? I hope it didn't get any worse" I said

"Hahaha...please try to bear with his attitude anyhow, he's still a good man" he said and I nod

//Time Skip//

Taehyung arrive as he sat beside me. Weird he didn't even smile at me today and he look nervous. Yes I said before that his smile is annoying but I already got used to it so it's weird when he come and didn't even smile at me.

"Taehyung?" I call him

"Y-yes?" He turn his gaze towards me

"You didn't smile today and look nervous" I said

"I- you know... tomorrow" he he's nervous too.

"'re cute. But don't worry...let's hangout at the cafe we go before, after school" I said and didn't realize I said he's cute.

"You just said I'm cute!" He exclaimed and the box smile form. Somehow I feel happy that he smiled.

"Okay okay...stop it." I said and he just smile while looking infront as the teacher came in. I admit...he's cute.

//Time Skip//

The bell rang showing that it's time to go home. I pack my back and stand up looking at Taehyung who is standing up too.

" you there" he said and was about to left.

"Wait Tae!" I just realize what I call him. This maybe because I've heard my friend and oppa calling him that oftenly.

"You called me Tae! I guess you're opening up to me" he said smiling

"'re gonna come with me and go with my car so that you don't need to walk" I said

"Okay!" He said as we head to Mr.Cha car.

"A freaking limousine?!" He ask after saw the limousine. I mean I also didn't address the limousine as limousine accept for calling it a car tho

"Hop in. Yoongi oppa is inside" I said as we get in the car. To my surprise, Yoongi oppa is not here.

"Where's Yoongi oppa?" I ask Mr. Cha

"He went home with his friend a while go" he said

"Ahh...okay" I said

"Drop us at the usual cafe please" I add

"My pleasure" Mr. Cha reply

"Is it good to be rich?" Tae ask

"I don't know. For me...everything has it's own good and bad" I said

//Time Skip//

After ordering our food we begin to chat. It's good to not see the waitress before already.

"So...what you're gonna ask me?" He ask

"I don't ask me" I reply

"Hmm...when is your birthday?" He ask

"16 April"

"Your favorite food?"

"Jjangmyeong(Black noodle)"



"Your favorite colour?"


"What's-" before he said anything I cut him

"Okay...stop it. I'm getting annoyed" I said as our food arrive.

"Let's just move on to create story how we met and everything" I said while eating

"Simple...we met at school and then Yoongi hyung introduced us to each other, we became friend but soon we falled for each other and then we're couples!" He said

"Hmm...I guess that's fine. But one thing we must promise each other..." I said halfway

"That we must not fall for each other  when we're on this faking couple thingy" I add

"Yes. Pinky promise?" He stand out his pinky that 10 times longer than mine (a/n: lol. I mean his finger are long...can't denied it). I wrap my pinky to his as he smile sheepishly. We let go as I remember another thing.

"Oh! One more thing...please behave by acting manly and mature so that they can gain trust. And wear anything you like but in proper" I said

"Hmm okay. At what time?" he ask

"8 pm" I said and finished my food and same goes to him

"Let's go home!" He exclaimed as we head out the cafe after paying our food.

"Do you want to walk or I should call my driver?" I ask. Wait...why am I asking him? It's me who need to decide.

"I'm lazy to walk so..." he said and I nod as I grab my phone and call Mr.Cha.

We wait for Mr.Cha to arrive and after a while, he arrived. We get in the car and head home. We arrived at home as we hop off the car.

"Bye Y/n~ See you tomorrow." he said while smiling showing his box smile again

"Bye...Tae" I said and smile a little bit for him as he smile a little wider and left to his house. I go in my house and is greet with Yoongi oppa that is looking at me from the living room.

"So how is it going?" Yoongi oppa ask


"Y/n! You come back late!" Mom said

"Oh! You're home early" I said

"Yeah...but why you're late?" She ask

"I-I-" I stuttered

"She went on a date with Taehyung" Yoongi answer for me

"Oh really?  How sweet! I'm excited to meet him tomorrow!" Mom exclaimed while smiling as I smile back at her.

-to be continue-

Another chapter!  Sorry for any grammar mistake and typos. I'm sure will correct it back someday. I hope this story is getting interesting and you're enjoying it. Please stay tune and vote if you felt that this story deserves to get that tiny little cute star below ^_-.

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