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Min Y/n POV

-Next morning-

I wake up at the sound of someone knocking on my door but I didn't care and I sleep again. It's freaking weekend, they don't need to ruin my sleep. After a minutes,  I feel my bed shaking as if someone jumping on it. I open my eyes as I saw Taehyung.

"Y/n! Wake up!" He said and keep jumping

"Wtf are you doing?!" I yell as he stop jumping on my bed and I sit up.

"Yoongi hyung said you'll wake up if I jump on your bed" he said with the I-did-nothing face and went off my bed.

"And what's the point to wake me up in the morning?  It's weekend, let me rest!" I said as I lay back on my bed.

"We're going to have breakfast together at a cafe" I heard Yoongi oppa said from the door.

"I don't want to go" I said

"Whyyy???" I heard Jin oppa whine

"Let's spend time together today!" He add

"Please~" Taehyung said while pouting

"Fine. You guys better make my day worth it" I said as I head to the bathroom but stop at my track for awhile and look at Taehyung.

"Oh and...stop pouting...it looks ugly on you" I said as I go in the bathroom.

Kim Taehyung POV

I can't believe I was talking to the same person on the phone. The Y/n on the phone is sweet and lovely while this Y/n is cold and savage. Maybe because I'm new to her I mean she was like this when the first time I chat her so no reason she's like this.

"Is she gonna take a long time?" Jin hyung ask

"Nah...she's a fast person" Yoongi hyung said

Min Y/n POV

I finished showering as I wear a black hoodie below a jeans jacket with a black ripped jeans. I went down as I meet Jimin oppa and Jungkook.

"They're waiting in the van. Let's go!" Jimin oppa said as we head to the van.

I was the last one who went in the van and the only seat left is beside Taehyung. I have no choice but to sit beside him. He is typing something on his phone as I sit beside him.

"Oh hi y/n!" He look at me while smiling.

"Hi..." I said as he averted his gaze back to his phone.

After a while I feel my phone vibrate. Hoping that it is V, on my lucky it is him.

Hi... (your nickname)
Have you eaten breakfast?

Not yet. I'm heading to a cafe with my friend.

I saw Taehyung suddenly is sleeping. It's weird how he could sleep easily when his the one who have all the energy just now. I wait for V to reply but no...he didn't yet. So I kept my phone. After awhile, we arrived at the cafe. The cafe that we usually hangout.

I just felt that I need to wake Taehyung up since everyone just left us on the back seat. I wake him up as we head outside and go in the cafe. I sat beside Yoongi oppa while Taehyung decide to sit beside me. The waitress come and ask.

"What can I help you?" The waitress ask with an annoying voice like a slut, looking at each of my friend and when she land her gaze on mine she freaking roll her eyes. I think she's new. I never seen her before. We ordered as I wait for her to leave.

"That's all?" She said while twirling the tip of her hair.

"Yea. That's all. You can go" I said to her in a monotone.

"I didn't ask you...I ask your friend so you need to freaking shut up your mouth" she said as my eyebrows furrowed.

"I have mouth to talk and while you need to freaking stop like an innocent person cause I know you're a freaking slut!" I said getting angry while the others just look at us.

"What?! Do you want to fight me?!" She started to yell

"Come on!" I said while stand up but I feel Yoongi oppa pull my hand. I look at him as he shook his head.

"I think you should go now" Joon oppa said to the slut.

"You better take care of your little friend mouth" she said and left as I sit back.

"She's freaking a slut" I mumble

"But you can never judge her by just looking at her" Hobi oppa said

"Just whatever" I said as I turn on my phone and look at what V reply.

Sorry for the late reply.
Ohh..then better enjoy your breakfast.
Are you okay?

I'm okay...but...why?

"I will go to the toilet for awhile" Taehyung said and left as I look back at my phone. After a while, V replied.

Just asking lol.
You better go eat now.
Maybe the food has arrive.

At the same time V said 'maybe the food has arrive' the food really arrived. Hmm...weird. Taehyung came and sat beside me as he peek what am I typing.

"Oh! Who's that?" Taehyung ask

"Hmm...my internet friend." I said and I reply an 'Okay' to V message as I kept my phone in my hoodie pocket.

"What's the name? Is it a girl or boy?" He ask as I started to eat my food as he does the same.

"I didn't basically know his real name but he ask me to call him V and he's a boy" I said

"Oh wow...are you guys are close?" He ask. I don't know why but when Taehyung ask this much about V I didn't feel annoyed, different when he was asking some random question.

"Kind of. It's been 2 years" I said as he nod

"Do you like him?" He ask while smiling.

Kim Taehyung POV

"Do you like him?" I ask testing my luck. Actually, I've fall for her from the first time I saw her even when chatting on phone with her.

"Yes...maybe no..."she said

"You're confuse?" I ask

"No...it's just I can't just like him like that. I didn't know him truly" she said. !No you know me...'I said in my heart.

"Hmm...I see...let's eat" I said as we continue eating.

Min Y/n POV

"Hmm...I see...let's eat" he said as we continue eating.

I look at everyone as they busy chatting with each other. My gaze turn the waitress before who is passing time to time infront of our table purposely with tray of food to look in 'purpose'. Suddenly an evil idea pop up in my mind.

"Taehyung let's change place" I said since he is sitting at the edge of the table.

He didn't said nothing and we changed place but he look at me weirdly. The waitress past our table as I put my legs on her way and guess what, she freaking fall on her face and the juice she bring is all spill over her. I quickly pull my legs back and laugh hardly as her manager came.

"This is million time you've make a mistake and customers are complaining about you so I guess you're fired!" The manager said as her face is red and she ran anywhere I don't want to know. I eat my food with a satisfied face.

"Good job!" Taehyung said as he pat my back as I smile. I didn't know he like something like this too.

"But that's bad you know" Jin oppa said

"I don't care. She got what she did" I said

-to be continue-

Here's another chapter!  I'll update recently cause I've finished my final exam and there's nothing to do. I'll update if didn't feel lazy lol. Btw sorry for any grammar mistakes and typos. Next chapter will be boom! I promise you anyway I hope you enjoy and please stay tune~

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