Oh Shit!

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-2 days after-

I wake up, late as usual. Nothing to do today actually, after I shower and everything.

"Y/n!" I heard mom yell as I head downstairs looking at my mom and noticing a woman almost same age as my mom across her.

"Sit here honey" mom pat on the sofa beside her.

"Omo...she's really beautiful like you" mom friends said

"Thank you" I said

"This is Mrs. Kim. You remember?  The one we met when we went to the masquerade ball" mom said

"Ouh...nice to meet you Mrs.Kim" I said while smiling

"Aigoo...no need to be formal...just call me Aunty Somi" she said and I nod

"They're our neighbour. They live in the villa beside us. The right one" mom said and I nod.

Wait...isn't that...Tae's house....I mean not basically his house. He's mother boss house. So basically how come...a maid is this...exclusive and...look rich.

"The venue we went to the masquerade ball is their another mansion though. If you're curious" mom said. So Tae is lying.

"Oh! I just remember...my son Kim Taehyung always come here" Aunty Somi said. Oh shit!

"Oh! My daughter is your son's girlfriend then but...he told me...that he stay next door cause you're a maid." Mom said

"Eh? Really? I didn't told him to secret about our family status or what" Aunty Somi said and my mom's eyebrows furrowed

"Did you do know about this Y/n?" Mom ask as I shake my head

"So...basically he lied about him along your relationship?" mom ask

"I guess so" I said while looking down

"I'm really sorry for what my son did! I'm really really sorry. I'm behalf of him pleading you to not break up with him, he really need someone to look after him other than me like Y/n" Aunty Somi said as I just nod.

"Excuse me. I'll clear some things with Tae" I said and left.

I go to my bedroom and sat on the bed. So...he've been lying to me this whole time. I felt really betrayed. I mean...why? He need to lied to me? His mother even said they didn't tried to hide about their family status or what. I decide to text him...

Let's meet up at the usual cafe. I have something to talk with you.


If you're free.

I'm free. My mom is not even at home.

Isn't it obvious. His mom is not home cause his mom is here. Back to the masquestion ball, his attitude is same like Tae cause...they're the same person. We had the masquerade ball at the same time and all. It's really obvious.

I wear some black hoodie and black ripped jeans and go down.

"Mom...I'm gonna go out" I said interrupting their chat.

"Yea...sure. Be back before 11 pm" she said as I nod and left.

//Time Skip//

I saw Tae coming towards our table and sit infront of me.

"Did you wait for a long time?" He ask while smiling


"So what are we gonna talk about?" He ask

"Let's just get to the point. You lied about you being a son of maid at the villa and you're rich am I right?" I ask and he look shocked

"H-how would y-you know?"

"Your mom told me." I said while looking away.

"I felt really betrayed Tae. I thought that I could trust you but...just forget about it. I'm gonna leave. Please give me some times" I said

"W-wait. I-I just-" I left without hearing his word.

I don't know why I felt so betrayed. Am I the one who fall for him? Shit. I head to a nearest stall.

Kim Taehyung POV

I'm really sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to lied to you. I have reasons. And I was about to tell you the truth. I'm really sorry.

Min y/n POV
-11:30 PM-

I walk in my house, stumbling and walking sloppily to the stairs.

"Where did you go- huh? Are you drunk?!" Mom yell

"Shut up*hiccup*" I said and walk up the stairs in unstable steps as mom followed.

"Did Tae made you feel bad like this? If so...break up with him. I'll tell her mom"  mom said

"Hahah...he was never my real boyfriend *hiccup* it was all an act *hiccup*. He was my fake boyfriend cause I don't want to get marry with Jimin *hiccup*" I said and didn't realize that I have told the truth to mom and her jaw hang low.

"You're gonna marry with Jimin" she said

"Whatever. I'm sorry for lying." I said and go in my room as I fall on my bed.

-Next morning-

I wake up with the horrible hangover. I still managed to get off my bed and shower. After showering, I feel a little better and go down to eat breakfast with my family. Oh! I remember every single thing happen last night so...

"Having a hangover?" Yoongi oppa said while smirking

"Shut up" I said

"So you're gonna marry with Park Jimin soon" Dad said without looking at me

"Yeah. I'm sorry for lying but now...I didn't care...just...control my life until I die...I didn't care anymore" I said

"We want the best for you" Dad said

"I know...that's why I said just control my life" I said

-to be continue-

Another chapter! I hope there's no grammar mistakes or typos. I hape you have fun reading and please stay tune~

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