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-1 week after-

Nothing happen actually pass this 1 week. I wake up upon someone knocking on my door continuously.

"Come in" I said as I saw my maid coming in.

"Your mom ask you to have a breakfast with them" she said and I just nod

"Mom didn't go to work today?" I ask

"No...same goes to your dad. They take a day off" she said and I nod

"Do you have any question more miss? If not...I'll go now" she said

"You can go now" I said and she left.

I go to wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, tied it and go down. As I was about to approach them I saw my friend are here. Tae is there too. So we need to act.

"Taeeee!" I said excitedly of course fake. I go to hug him.

He was shock at first but soon get along with the act too.

"Her boyfriend is here and she forgot we're here too" mom said pouting

"Good morning mom, dad and everyone" I said as I sat beside Tae.

"So we're acting today?" He ask whispering

"Looks like it" I whisper back.

"So...we plan to bring you guys to a mall today. To spent time together" Dad said

"We're on!" They yell

//Time Skip//

I am picking what clothes I should wear. Suddenly remember that Tae wear a dark blue jeans jacket above a black and red stripes t-shirt with a dark blue jeans. I decide to wear the same as his. You know our plan is to gain my parent trust so I'm trying. Instead of wearing a dark blue jeans I decide to wear a dark blue jeans button skirt. I go down and saw everyone are waiting for me.

"Let's go shall we?" Dad said

"Let's go!" Tae grab my hands suddenly and hold it. I was shock at first but know what's his doing.

"Omg...they are so cute yeobo" I heard mom squek

"They even wear a matching clothes!" Dad exclaimed.

"They are trusting us" I whispers to Tae as we head to the car.

"Seems like it" he said

//time skip//

I'm bored cause i have nothing to buy at the store. I started to feel my hand is tired cause I am holding Tae's hand that is a little higher than me. I let go of his hand and wrap my arm around his torso and he did the same while smiling.

"My hand are tired you know" I whine at him

"Atleast you're not that short" he answer

Min Yoongi POV

I saw Y/n put her arm around Tae as he did the same and I swear I heard Jimin that is beside me scoffed.

"Hey...Jin you think Jimin like Y/n? Cause I swear I heard him scoffed" I said to Jin hyung that is on my other side.

"I thought so...cause he've been off lately after the arranged married got canceled" he reply and I nod

Kim Taehyung POV

I am bored tho. This mall suddenly full with people and suddenly Y/n trip on someone foot and was about to fall but I catch her quickly. She blushed as I smirk a little cause I know....Deja Vu hit us.

Min Y/n POV

I suddenly blushed and he smirk. Did he did this on purpose? He's gonna get back. I stand up and peck his cheek and he blushed! Got you back!

Min Yoongi POV

"Oh! now they're acting like a real couple" Jin hyung said

"Why are they so sweet yeobo!" mom exclaimed

-to be continue-

Sorry for the late update and any grammar mistakes or typos. A lot of changing POV' be careful. A bored and cringe chapter lol. I hope you enjoy and stay tune.

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