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-That Evening-
-5 pm-

"Y/n! Get ready! We're going to go and buy your wedding dress!" Mom yell and I was like...' fast?'

I dress up and go down.

"When will I get married?" I ask

"Next week...on Friday" mom said

"Is Yoongi oppa gonna come to accompany us?" I ask

"Yeah. I'm here, let's go" Yoongi oppa said that made me startled for awhile

//Time Skip//

We arrived at the shop that sell expensive dress and tux that we've come before when we bought a dress and tux to go to the masquerade ball before.

I am looking around, don't know what to pick. Suddenly I saw a really beautiful dress.

I didn't notice that Yoongi oppa is behind me cause of this mesmerized dress when his voice startled me

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I didn't notice that Yoongi oppa is behind me cause of this mesmerized dress when his voice startled me.

"You want to try it on?"



After I tried the dress and it perfectly look beautiful on me, we decide to buy more other accessories.

"Shouldn't Jimin oppa buy his tuxedo too?" I ask mom

"His family are busy today and they ask us to go buy first while they'll buy other day"  mom said as I nod








-Wedding Day-

I am in my dressing room while just sitting, waiting for someone to call me. I admit these day I'm not cheerful as before. Suddenly the door burst open revealing Yoongi oppa.

"You're ready?" He ask

"Whatever. Let's just get this over" I said as I go out and I heard him sighing.

I go to my dad who is waiting on the aisle. He smile at me but do I need to? Anyways I just smile a little. He gave me the flower that I am supposed to hold. Cotton flower? Beautiful. My favorite. We walk down the aisle and saw Jimin oppa, handsome in that white tuxedo. He smile at me as I smile back.

The music of piano accompany me while I am walking down the aisle to him. My father give my hand to Jimin oppa and he hold it firmly while still smiling widely that made his eyes disappears. I saw my others friends sitting on the seat. Tae was there.

(A/n: and then bla bla bla happen)

Park Jimin POV

She's mine now. I'm really happy and I'll make sure...even after 5 years...I'll never make us divorce by making she fall for me.

Min Y/n POV

We are greeting every guests here and it's tiring cause I need to fake my smile....cause I don't want to smile! Suddenly someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and it is Tae.

"Can I talk to you?" He ask and I nod. We go to the side of the hall.

"So...look I didn't mean to lied to you and was about to tell you the truth." He said

"Go on" I said

"I lied to you cause...I don't want the same thing happen. 1 years ago...I got a girlfriend and was so in love with her...She only want my money because I tell her about my family status. When I know she only want my money, we broke up and started from that day I started to fake my family status to everyone. And now...I really hope you can forgive me...please" he said

"I forgive you Tae" I said while smiling

"Yeay!" He said while showing his boxy smile

"Congrats! You know cause you've got married" he add.

"Come know it's an arranged married" I said and seriously I feel my heart falling appart. Maybe...because I love him. Just...too much.

Kim Taehyung POV

"Come know it's an arranged married" she said

"Jimin hyung is good person and I promise you...he'll make you happy" I said while still smiling but I feel like my heart just drop.







-After 1 year-

I'm going to study aboard at Australia. After 1 year married with Jimin oppa, it was all fine. He's sweet like usual and make me love him like a brother, nothing more while Tae and me are just like before, nothing's different except...we barely met now cause he's busy being a trainee along with Jimin oppa, Jungkook, Joon oppa, Jin oppa, Hobi oppa and Yoongi oppa too.

I was at the airport waiting for my flight and my friend are here with mom, dad and Yoongi oppa.

"Why did you decide to study abroad???" Tae whine as I laugh

"You guys are busy training to be an idol and Jimin oppa barely is home so I'm bored" I said

"Awhh...but make sure you don't find any other guys there" Jimin oppa said

"Hahah...I won't. I promise you" I said

"I'm gonna miss you" Jimin oppa said and approach me

"I'm gonna be missing you to Jimin oppa" I said and I hug him. After a while...he broke the hug and smile.

After a while my flight arrived and I'm off to go! I swear when I come back after 4 years and divorce with Jimin oppa...I'll confess to Tae. But I really hope...he didn't have any girlfriend.

"Bye you!" I said and left.

Kim Taehyung POV

She left. After she come back and when she's divorce with Jimin hyung...I'll make sure to confess to her.

-to be continue-

Here's another chapter!  I hope there's no grammar mistakes or typos. I hope you enjoy and please stay tune. Just some more chapter left for this story ^_^

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