Found you

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-2 days after-

I wake up at the sound of my alarm ringing.  Another day *sigh*.  I go to the bathroom and shower. After finish showering I wear my uniform and head down. I greet my parent and eat breakfast with them.

"How's school for one week?" Mom ask. She's always like this. Like every Friday she'll ask this but that's mean she care for me lol.

"I didn't even go to school today yet...but yea it's fine. Just like usual of Yoongi friend is annoying and kept bothering me" I said remembering Taehyung

"Oh? Who is it?" Dad ask

"Taehyung" I said

"Never heard of that name" Mom said

" the way where's Yoongi oppa?" I ask

"He went early with his friend today" Dad said as I just nod

"Oh! Tonight me and your mom will not be home until Sunday night" Dad said

"What are you guys doing?"

"We decide to spent time with each other" they said looking at each other lovingly as I cringe

"Ayy...have fun" I said as I head to Mr.Cha car.

//Time Skip//

I went in the school as I head to the student council room. I go in and saw all my friend are in there.

"Yow sup guys!" I greet them

"You're in a good mood today! You smile a lot" Jin oppa said

"Haha maybe because I've got to eat McD last night" I said

"She was like a crazy person who went in the McD after our mom give the permission" Yoongi oppa said

"Shut up! I've been craving for McD for a month!" I said

"'re being so dramatic" Yoongi reply

"Come on...this world won't shine if I didn't have in it" I said

"Yeah2 whatever" Yoongi said

"Let's go to class! Bye guys!" Taehyung said, grab my arm as we head to class. This is what I meant by bothering and annoying.

"Be good to me" he said and pat my head while those box smile are there.

//Time Skip//

Honestly nothing happen at school and I was awake because of this dude waking me up.

"Yah! Wake up sleep head!" Yoongi yell

"Let me sleep..."

"I will take your Mr.Bearbear." he said as I heard him ran out. I look around my bed and didn't saw my fav lovely teddy bear. He's goona pay it.

"YOONGI!!!" I yell as I chase him downstairs and ran in the living room and didn't realize who are on the sofa.

"Give my Mr.bearbear back!!" I yell as I catch him infront of the tv. I straddle him and punch his chest. I grab my teddy bear and stand up.

"That's what you got for waking me up and stealing Mr.Bearbear" I said and my gaze change to look at the sofa and realizing Jin, Hobi, Joonie, Jimin oppa, Taehyung and Kook is here.

They're all looking flustered. I look at what I was wearing. A white oversive t-shirt that land on my mid thight and under it is my black short. Well...atleast I am wearing a short...why are they so flustered.

"I'm....gonna change up"I ran upstairs, change up to some hoodies and sweatpants and come back down.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask from the kitchen

"We came to watch movie together since you guys have the biggest movie room like the cinema" Kook said

" what are you guys gonna watch?" I ask

"(Movie you want to watch)" Jimin oppa said

"'re not gonna join us?" Joonie oppa ask

" looks like you guys have a 'dude day' so I don't want to disturb" I said

"'s not a 'dude day' it's just a 'hang out'. So join us!" Hobi oppa said

"Okay..." I said as Taehyung come beside me and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Let's go!" As we head to the movie room

"Can you stop bothering me?" I ask


"Why?" I ask

"Cause you're so cute" he pinch my cheek as I swear I felt my heart skip a beat and my face heating up.

"Aww...are you blushing?" He tease

"Shut up! I'm not" I said as I ran to the movie room

Min Yoongi POV

"Aww...they're cutee" Jin hyung squel.

"Would you mind if they're together?" Jimin suddenly ask

"Nah...I'm sure Tae will take care of her" I said

"Awhhh Yoongs is such a supportive brother" Hobi said as I smile

Min Y/n POV

I sat on the red leather seat as I saw Taehyung sit beside me. Can he not bother me? Of course no. Before the movie started I'm chatting with V.

Sup bubs

Nothing. Just gonna watch a movie with my friends.

Oh really?  I'm gonna too!

Oh wow! Enjoy!

3rd person POV

She went to the toilet and left her phone in the seat as V aka Taehyung reply to her message.

(Your nickname):
Oh wow! Enjoy!

Okay! You must enjoy the movie too. Bye!

He sent the message and heard Y/n's phone made a sound

Kim Taehyung aka V POV

I sent the message and suddenly heard a 'ding' sound beside me and my right eyesight greet with Y/n's phone light. I look at it message is on her phone! It can't be it! She can't be (your nickname)! I took her phone and read all the message..indeed it is all the same.

"I guess...I've found you (your nickname) or more known as Y/n" I mumble while smiling.

-to be continue-

Sorry for the late update and sorry for making any grammar mistake and typos. I hope you enjoy and stay tune~

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