Not Mad

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-3 month after-

I go to school and when I arrived, I go to my class and sit on my place. Tae arrived earlier tho.

"Good morning!" He send me his box smile

"Morning~" I smile back at him

"So I guess we're close now" he said

"I guess so" I said and the teacher come into the class.

"Good morning students. you know...your final exam is around the corner. So please study well and I'll do some revision with you" she said

//Time Skip//
-lunch time-

"So...did your mom and dad believe us already?" Tae ask

"Mmhmm...things are working on" I said

"Okay..." he said

"Do you guys think that we need to do a study group tomorrow?" Joon oppa suggests

"Sure. I'm on" Tae said as everyone nod

"But I can't. I'll study myself" Jimin said. Hmm weird...usually his the one who excited if we meet up.








-2 weeks after-

My friend and my results for final exam are good tho but...Jimin oppa...he's the problems. He never was like this before. He's freaking smart. But this exam he failed almost all subject!

"That's must come whenever we did a study group!" Jin oppa scold him. We're now are chilling at my house but Tae isn't here.

"Things already happen so...let's forget about it" Jimin oppa said in monotone.

"I'm sure he'll do great soon. Just... something are bothering him these day." Yoongs said

"What happen? You can tell me and the others." I said to him that is beside me and I was about to hug him but he stand up.

"Nothing happen. My mom text me to go home. Bye" he said and left. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Where's Tae?" I ask

"He's busy he said" Joon oppa said and I nod. My phone suddenly buzz and it is V.

My exam just finished tho. How about yours?

Mine is two weeks ago.

So...can we meet? I'm quite free today.

Sure. Where do you want to meet?

The 'Chill Coffee' cafe?

Nice. I always go there. Meet you about 30 minutes?

Yup sure.
Excited to meet you!

Me too.

I stand up and dress up wearing some black hoodie crop top with black high waist jeans and go down. Meeting V is the most moment I've waited for! I'm really excited!

"Where are you going?" Yoongi oppa ask

"To meet V!" I skipped happily to the door and go out.

Min Yoongi POV

"Isn't that Taehyung?" Hobi said and we all bring up our shoulders and drop it back.

Kim Taehyung POV

She's gonna be really shocked tho hahahah. Suddenly my phone buzz.

(Your nickname):
I arrived.
What you're wearing?

Black hoodie and looking at my phone. I sit near the window.

Suddenly someone knock my table.

"Annyeong....are you V...?" I look up and her jaw dropped.

"Tae?! You're the one I've chat for 2 years?!" She ask and I nod

"Why didn't you look shocked. You know?!" She ask

"Kind of. On the day we watched movie at your house. You left your phone and at that time I text (your nickname) so the text pop up on your phone." He said.

"Tch...I can't believe you. Why didn't you just tell me earlier. Instead of me texting you like a dumb person!" She said as her face darkened. She's mad.

"I-I-" she cut me off.

"I hate you" she said and stomps off out the cafe as I follow her.I managed to catch her up.

"Go away Taehyung" she said and speed up.







-Next day-

Min y/n POV

I walk on the school hallway and suddenly someone grab my bag. It is Tae. Lol...actually I'm not even mad at him yesterday. I just acted. But Tae as my internet friend crush? I don't know about that. But...he's giving me more heart fluttering everytime we met but I don't know what to do. I look at him and smile.

"Hye V!" I said

"You're not mad? Cause if you're being sarcas-" I cut him off

"I never was mad at you tho. I'm just acting" I smile sheepishly.

"Haish...I thought you're mad. I can't sleep last night you know"he said

"I'm sowwwyyy...I'll treat you hot chocolate at the usual cafe after school" I said and he form the box smile and hug me.


"So that's mean you lied about you being rich?" I ask

"Yup!" He answers and I face palm. I can't believe this boy.

-to be continue -

Here you go! Another chapter. Sorry for any grammar mistakes or typos. I'm sure will fix it soon. I hope you enjoyed and stay tune~

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