Chapter thirteen: Elijah

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 Dedicated to my awesome BF, who got me started on Wattpad!!

Good job you two." Starling said, walking towards Lia and I along with Magenta, Sheyla, and my stylist, Jo Jo. "You two did better then I thought you would."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sheyla asked.

"Nothing...I just thought the costume selection didn't really go well with what we were aiming for......"

"Aiming for what?"

"Reputation wise."

"Oh..... I see." Sheyla said.

Awkward silence.

"I thought you two were marvelous, except for a couple tinsy winsy little things......"

"Shhhh!" Sheyla hissed. "President Snow is about to begin his speech!"

President Snow stepped forward to his podium, and took a deep breath, while taking a quick glance at the district twelve chariot, which I'm sure he was just as shocked as all of us, for the brilliant entrance they made.

"Welcome. Welcome. Welcome, to the 74th annual Hunger Games!" The crowd erupted.

Snow cracked a smiled. "As you all know, their can only be one winner, in these astounding games."

No duh, I thought. It's been that way for seventy-four years!

Snow continued. "And after tonight's impressive entrances, you all deserve a fair shot."

Like that'l happen!

"Good luck to all and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

The crowd once again erupted, already shouting things like "district twelve" or "district two!" I didn't hear any "district ten" shouts. Yet.

After Snow's speech, the Panem national anthem burst my eats as it filled the loudspeakers in its dramatic sounds. Jo Jo hummed slightly as it played.

When the anthem ended, Seneca Crane's voice filled the arena.

"Happy Hunger Games to all of Panem and I wish you good night!"

"Let's get out of here." Lia muttered in my left ear.

"Right you are!" Magenta said joyfully. "I can't wait for you two to see your dormitories.... "

Before leaving, I took a quick look at district twelve and the gang. It was obvious that they out shown us all, and that almost all the tributes were giving them the stink eye. I couldn't help but smile at the male tribute from district two. He looked like someone had recently punched him in the jaw.

The girl tribute from twelve was glaring at the tributes too, which was good for Lia and I. Hopefully, the other tributes will mainly focus on twelve in the games, and not us. After all, I was told to protect both Lia and I in the arena.

But why would Dalton want me to protect Lia so bad. Sure, I've known Lia since we were little kids, and sure Lia and I are close....but why? I mean, there's not much I can do with my stupid ankle....

"Come on Elijah, let's go!" Magenta snapped. "We need to get some food in you two....."

Food! God I was starving! When was the last time I heard that word? Breakfast?

"Coming!" I said, following Sheyla toward's the tribute building.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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