Chapter Six: Lia

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The Peacekeepers immediately grabbed hold of Elijah and I, and led us into the Justice building. Taking one last look of the the square, Magenta Reinaldo smiled and told us how lucky Elijah and I were, and how we'll never have a chance like this again. Well duh. I think. We won' t every have a experience like this again cause we'll be dead. I sigh. I thought since Silas was already picked, I was free forever from the Hunger Games. Guess not. I wonder what my parents will think when another one of their children will die from the Games. I know I shouldn't think that way; after all I have the same chance percentage wise as everyone else. But deep down, I know I won't win. A girl from my district with my size doesn't stand a chance. Sure I'll survive for a little while, but will end up being killed naturally, probably. I wonder how Elijah will do, I thought.

Elijah. I still couldn't believe he got chosen. Out of all the guys I know from district ten, he would be the last guy I would suspect of being chosen. Course anyone can technically be chosen, like how I was, I thought.

I admit, I always kind of liked Elijah. Not like like, but admired. He was always one of the nicest guys at school, and always treated girls really good, unlike a lot of guys I knew. Plus, he was really smart. Seriously. He was the valedictorian of the grade above me. It's too bad he got picked, I thought. He could of done a lot with his life; he could probably skip being a farmer like the rest of us and get one of those high-paying jobs in the capitol. Course, no one in the capitol would hire a district ten native.

When we got inside of the Justice Building, the Peacekeepers separated Elijah and I and put us into separate rooms. They allowed us a minute or two by ourselves, before the visitors arrived to grieve. I sat down on one of the plum couch laid out for us, as tears filled my eyes. No more, I thought. No more long hours spent on the farm, tending the livestock. No more spending countless hours getting into trouble with friends. No more.........

A peacekeeper interrupted my thoughts as he barged into the room, lacking the need to knock. With him, stood my whole family; Mom, Dad, Daisy, everyone. I got up from the couch, wiped a tear, and walked over to face my family.

"You have two minutes." The Peacekeeper said roughly. The Peacekeeper then left without saying another word. l looked up to my family, where my mom opened her arms and I didn't hesitate to walk in them. I cried softly as she hold me tight.

"Oh Lia." My mom cried softly, while stroking my long, blond hair. My siblings crowded around me, giving me a huge hug. My father just stood there, speechless. My father was a never good speaker; my mom always nicknamed him "the man with few words".

"You'll win." Finn said. "No one can beat my big ol' sis'. I smiled. Even from Finn, you could tell there was doubt in his voice.

"Yeah." Daisy said. "After working on the farm all day, your too strong not to win."

"And your pretty." Parsley added. I smiled. Even though I knew better that my looks wern't all that great, it was still a sweet comment from my youngest sister.

"Thanks everybody". I said. "I promise I'll try to win." That did it. Now my mom and siblings were all wiping away tears, because of my stupid comment.

Right when I opened my mouth to apologize, the Peacekeeper came back, shoving away my mother and siblings. My father stood back a second, and gave me the tightest hug I have ever received from him. I literally felt like someone was choking the life out of me, before the games even started.

I guess the Peacekeeper didn't have a lot of patience because he grabbed my father for staying back a few extra seconds. My dad being so much bigger than the Peacekeeper, shoved the man away for a second, to tell me something. The Peacekeeper fell to the floor, giving my father a blank glare.

"I love you, he said." And with that he walked out the door, and the Peacekeeper slowly following. I stood there realizing, that I've never once in my fifteen years heard those words come out of my father's mouth. It wasn't because he was a mean, strict dad, he just had a hard time expressing his feelings. I wonder what will happen to my father. I mean, he just shoved a Peacekeeper! He could easily be shot for his actions. Or worse.

My father might not even be around when I come home. If I come home, I add, which probably would be the case.

A different Peacekeeper arrived in my room, this time with my neighbor, Ms. Wilkinson, which I was surprised to see. Ms. Wilkinson was old, probably around seventy years old. My district was known for having a lot of elders, a lot more than most districts. I guess the hard farm work helps a lot.

"Hello Lia." My neighbor says respectfully, like today was just a normal day on the farm. I nodded in respect.

She laughed. "Now your probably wonderin' why an old women like me would bother coming here to pay my respects." Ms. Wilkinson was known in my part of the district for reading peoples facial expressions, something she's done for years. I guess without having a husband to spend time with, what else was she supposed to do all day?

" I brought you this." She said, pulling out a shiny, bronze cowbell. It took me a couple seconds to realize what it was from. Back when I was ten, my favorite cow, Lucy was to be sold to Mr. Jamison, a old grouch who didn't take care of his animals whatsoever. Being the richest in my part of the district, most people had no choice but to sell their livestock, which would be butchered, even if not necessary. My family couldn't afford Lucy anymore, even though she was a year or two old, plenty of years ahead of her. Mr. Jamison made the first offer, way too high for the first offer. Of course, no one couldn't come even close to that offer, and Mr. Jamison smirked and signed the contract.

I was, of course, devastated that my prize-winning cow was going to the ol' grouch. Right when my dad loaded up the wagon to deliver Lucy to Mr. Jamison, Silas quickly ran over to Ms. Wilkinson's place, and told her the story. Ms. Wilkinson didn't even hesitate not to buy the cow from Mr. Jamison, my brother told me. She didn't even flinch when he told her the price.

Silas then ran back the 2 mile route back to our house, and told me the news. I was so happy that I ran to the barn and gave a great big hug to Lucy. I didn't even notice my brother collapsing to the ground, from running four miles within seventeen minutes. My brother was incautious for the rest of the day after that.

After that, I went to Ms. Wilkinson's house everyday to look over that cow. I still do, whenever I have free time. Part of the reason is because of the course; green, rolling hills, its quite beautiful. After Silas's run, I was scared of running for awhile. I didn't want to end up incautious like Silas was. I guess I faced my fears and soon followed my brother footsteps, and beat his overall time for a 4k.

"Thank you so much." I said, and gave Ms. Wilkinson a smile. She looked at me and said, "

Use this for your district token. I gave your brother something similar five years ago. I nodded remembering the cow pin Silas wore for the ceremony."I'll be looking after you and that cow of yours." She said. "Be careful out there."

"I will." I said, wondering what she meant by looking after me. I mean, I'll be hundreds of miles away from home, won't I?

Maybe she means after I get back, I thought. With that she handed me the cowbell, and slowly walked over to the door, giving me one last goodbye.

"I'll be rooting for you." She said, and slowly closed the door.

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