Chapter Eight: Elijah

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Knock knock.

Someone was knocking on my door. After going through my family, friends, and Ms. Wilkinson, who I didn't expect at all to say goodbye, I couldn't handle anymore cheerless goodbyes. I sighed as I walked up from the couch to see who it was. As I walked, the pain in my ankle was still there, worse than it was this morning. When Gregor noticed my pain, he did something I haven't seen him do in a long, long time. He cried. Actually bawled is the correct term. He was starting to tell me somthin' until the stupid Peacekeeper shoved him and my family away. Now I'll never know.

Anyway, when I opened the door, no one was there. That's weird, I thought. I opened the door again, and still, no one was there. I must be going crazy. I guess the games have already messed with my mind, before they technically started.

Knock knock.

I heard it again. "Who is it!" I yelled.

"It's me." Said a voice that sounded familiar.

"Well, come in!" I said, still not recognizing the voice. "Don't have that much time left!"

The shaded figure opened the door, and I immediately recognized the man. Dalton. Lia's pa. Why is he here?

"I came to tell you somethin'. He said, as if reading my thoughts. He then took a seat in the other plum couch next to me, and cleared his voice.

"I just talked to your pa." He said. "We both agree that District Ten should have a victor this year."

I sat there, silent. Of course we should have a victor this year! We should have one every year! The problem is our mentor, Starling Knight, was a victor years ago and doesn't give a crap about any of us. I've heard stories how she shows up high almost everyday during the games, and

hardly pays attention when were out there, dying in front of her eyes. Plus, districts like one and two win almost every year, so what's the point of getting our hopes up?

He continues. "I can't afford to see my little girl be sacrificed again, just like my eldest was." I also can't afford to let that happen to you." Promise me you'll do everything you can to protect her." I talked to Starling and he agrees to tell her the same as I have told you." "Ok?" He? I thought. I always thought it was a she!

"Sure." I said, when he walked out the door, wonderin' how I'll protect her with my stupid ankle.


A couple minutes later, the same Peacekeeper came back to lead me to the car, to the train station. I've never been in a car, and was worried that I would get car sick. I didn't though, and neither did Lia. Thank God. I thought. One less thing to worry about today!

We then boarded the high-speed train, that would take us all the way to the capitol. Magenta climbed into the train first, and started to give us a tour of the train.

"Here's the dining room, where we will be having our meals." Magenta said. No duh. I thought, but couldn't help smile from Magenta's dopey comment. I looked over to Lia, and she did the same.

"Here are your compartments." Continued Magenta. "Elijah, yours are on the left, while Lia's yours are on the right. You may go in them now, and shower and wash up before dinner if you wish." I didn't hesitate after her comment, and made my way into my room.

The first thing I noticed was blue. It was everywhere, seriously. But, they were different shades of blue. Navy, Periwinkle, Royal, even some shades of Magenta. They were everywhere from the walls, to the carpet, each and

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