05 | well, that didn't work

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[ 05 ]

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[ 05 ]


"Do you think sometimes jumping into the unknown is a bad idea?" He asks, pinching his eyebrows together as he looks at me.

"Thinking is a bad idea." I say and purse my lips.

"You're─" He shakes his head, letting out a exhausted sigh.

We have been sitting idly on the steel armchairs outside the Emergency room, for at least one hour. I don't know what in the world is taking so long for the doctors to conclude. I mean, Eugene just blacked out. It wasn't as if he had a brutal car accident!

"Why am I even sitting here?" I mutter, perhaps quite loudly. You see, I sometimes tend to speak my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" He frowns, hazel eyes confused.

"Uh, well, I have already helped you get your friend up to the hospital. I don't think I have any more work here." I state in a matter-of-fact voice.

"I never told you to wait. You can just go home." He shrugs.

"Nah...its late. I want you to drop me off. Oh wait, don't tell me you don't have a car?!" I turn to face him, pushing back the irritatingly loose strands of my frizzy hair that keeps falling on to my face.

"I do. At home." He chuckles.

"Rhys, are you aware that we won't get a cab? It's raining. It's past eight thirty. It's a terrible night." I say, fuming in desperation.

"Relax, we'll find a way. First thing, we need Eugene back on his feet." He offers.

"Alright. I'm gonna go into that weird room where all those doctors and nurses are. You wait here and sip your coffee."

"Really? Cora? Why are you so impatient?" He looks up at me for an answer, with his nose crunched up.

"For that matter, I am not even supposed to be here!" I hiss and he throws up his hands in surrender.

He was about to say something when the doctor who was examining Eugene, wearing scrubs and a cap, comes out to our view. By the kind of frown he was having one his face, I could suspect it was a bad news bolting towards us.

Rhys jumps up to his feet, walking over to the doctor.

"How is Eugene?" He asks, visibly tensed.

"Um, I can't say anything. Is there a family member here?" Dr. Green informs, shifting the weight between his legs.

"No, obviously." I shrug.

"He has come back to his senses. Apparently, it was close to a seizure. We have to run some tests, but for that we need to talk to a family member." He explains.

"Eugene doesn't have a family." Rhys says, biting his lower lips in despair.

"No close relatives? Distant ones?" Dr. Green frowns.

"He has a grandmother. Not blood related. It's kinda complicated. Eugene says she found him on the roadside when he was five years old." Rhys answers.

"So technically, she is the guardian." I declare and the doctor nods in agreement.

"Inform her as fast as you can. We are suspecting a brain tumor."

And although Dr. Green says 'tumor' like its common cold, it hits hard on us. Especially, on Rhys. He falls back a step or two, his eyes widened.

"What are you even speaking?" He mutters and I, not knowing what else to say, just hold on to his arm.

Mrs. Eliot Cooper arrives almost thirty minutes later, to receive the biggest shock of her life. At least, that's what it looked like when the doctor reiterates what he had informed us. Her wrinkled and worried face clouded with hurt, her tired clear blue eyes shut close as a teardrop glided down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry." Rhys whispers as she takes her hand and the aged lady softly nods.

"Where's my boy?" She asks with shaky voice, slumping down on a chair.

"Um, he has to go through some tests. I am sure they'll be releasing him soon." I say, offering a sympathetic smile.

"He's all I have." Mrs. Cooper sighs.

Rhys looks away, unable to control his emotions. It was obvious, Eugene must mean a lot to him.

"I don't know if this helps but, uh, there's still hope. Maybe it's just a benign tumor. Maybe, he's gonna be alright in a month or two. We just need to be hopeful." I say, sitting down beside Eugene's grandmother.

"You're such an optimistic young lady. Rhys must be lucky to have you." She chuckles and it makes me and Rhys exchange awkward glances.

"He isn't my boyfriend." I clear my throat, a tinge of heat creeping to my cheeks.

"Yeah, she just happened to be here." Rhys seconds, as embarrassed as me.

"Well, you both would look good together." Mrs. Cooper smiles, getting up to her feet and leaving us both completely flabbergasted.

She plods through the heavy metallic doors, going in to see her grandson.

Rhys taps on my shoulder, making me turn around. He had this shy, awkward look on his face and I raise an eyebrow in question.

"Maybe I should drop you home."

"Oh, sure. But you said you don't have a car." I add.

"I can walk you home, if you want." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Besides, my place is pretty close." I agree.

When we are on the road, Rhys holds a sky blue umbrella to save us from the merciless cold rain. Yes, we had to share one since I was stupid enough to not bring an umbrella despite knowing the weather.

"So, are you going to return back to the hospital?" I ask, rubbing my palms together to warm them.

"No other choice."

"Well, you should call and inform your parents or something." I suggest.

At that, he halts for a moment as if he had just remembered that he really needs to inform them.

"Thanks for reminding me." He shakes his head, pulling out his phone.

"I just happen to think clearly." I roll my eyes and he smirks.

"I thought you said thinking was a bad idea."

There it was. He observes my flustered face, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. And that makes me more shy than I already am while the rain pitter-patters on the red and grey asphalt.

"Well, that didn't work." I bite my tongue, looking away.

"You're pretty interesting."

a/n : how you like the first interactions between rhys and cora? lemme know in the comments section! <3

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