22 | city lights

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[ 22 ]

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[ 22 ]


The night air was as still as the hemlock trees that lined the dirt track haphazardly on either side. And the fear stricken silence was so engulfing that we could almost hear our heartbeats go thump thump thump in a monotone, only interrupted occasionally by the twigs crushed under our feet and the song of the crickets.

About fifteen minutes of walking aimlessly into the forest, we reach a clearing. It was roughly similar to the area we had set our camp in but this one was surrounded by taller conifers and had absolutely no connection with the outside world.

"I'm getting paranoid" Noah says in a low voice, as if speaking loudly was forbidden here. We could still see each other in the faded light of dusk and I exchange a worried glance with Rhys who was head to toe drenched in sweat. Rhys Crawford certainly doesn't have the habit of walking.

"Where in hell is she?!" He mutters, scratching his neck.

"Your idea of wandering around in the dark was amazing nonetheless" I remark, earning a quick scowl from him.

"Ain't the time for sarcasm" Noah nudges me in the arm, the twin thing telling me that shutting up is the best option. It indeed wasn't the time to pass sarcastic comments. Every possible kind of worst case scenarios was flooding my mind with such vigour that I regretted having read the crime thriller novel in Archer's car this morning.

"I think we should head back. Maybe Archer and the guys have found her ─ or maybe she's back at the camp" Rhys suggests and I couldn't help but agree. The eeriness of the place was starting to get under my skin and returning back to the comfort zone of the tents was what I would really love right now ─ despite making zero progress on Acacia.

"You know what's the worst part? We can't even communicate with the others so we can't know if she's still missing or back at the camp or with the other group" Noah vents in frustration, his eyes still trying to scan the vicinity for any clue.

"We just need to assume she has because if she hasn't, we are in some serious trouble" Rhys adds and the truth of the statement didn't fail to give me goosebumps. This camp was supposed to have been something fun, something worth remembering ─ which now it is, minus the fun part.

There is an interval of momentary, anxiety filled silence after which we begin to walk the way back. We are not even one full minute in the dirt track when the sound of crushed leaves and twigs makes us halt abruptly. Noah, Rhys and I exchange glances, none of us having the courage to open our mouths. The only other sounds are the cacophony of birds and our heavy breaths ─ which we now wished we could hold.

"I think it's coming nearer" Noah whispers.

"You sure it's a it and not a he ─ or a she?" I whisper back, furrowing my eyebrows.

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