Ch- 11 Turf Wars

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Seraphina's POV

"Seraphina! Where were you last night? Why didn't you answer my texts? I was worried sick about you!" I hear Elaine calling out to me "Were you hanging out with that cripple loser? I don't get why you're always with him! You're making yourself look bad! He doesn't even have an ability and he—! "Elaine." I call out to her cutting her off and freezing her "I've told you, what I do is none of your business." After that I unfreeze her and make my way to my room.

As I was starting to unpack all the clothes I bought, I got a text from John.

Be careful with the book, if you get caught you might get in trouble.

I pulled out the book Unordinary and opened it to read it when someone knocked on my door, I put the book back in my bag and opened the door to see Arlo with his smug face "Arlo" I greet him "Hey. Wow, you look beautiful toda—!" I cut him off "No." as I start to close the door but he placed his hand and went "Wait, at least hear me out. We were challenged to turf wars, and it starts 6 hours from now, but we're down a member. So, I need you to sub in for Queen." He  explained to me "Am not interested in turf wars. BYE." I start to shut the door but he stops it AGAIN "SERIOUSLY! Seraphina I know you don't like turf war but as Welston's true Queen, this is your responsibility! I've been running the show for you until now but today, I need a Queen." He told me "Where's Remi? Why isn't she going?" I ask him "She had to go home for the week. Family emergency." I ponder if I should go or not "Don't worry. You won't need to fight those weaklings. The Jack and I will take care of everything. You just sit back and watch the show."


Third person POV

After reaching turf war grounds, Seraphina from the far saw Gou, Broven and some other women "Look who finally decided to show up, Welston." Broven announced, "Ah, Broven its been a while! How've you been?" Arlo said with a very smug tone "Cut the crap, Arlo! You're the one who challenged us! At least show the decency to show up on time!" Seraphina was glaring daggers at Arlo 'He lied' "Oops, my bad" Arlo said as if it was almost nothing "So what are you planning? Welston has no need to instigate a Turf War." Asked Broven "I heard you guys just recruited a new Queen. And word has it you haven't lost with her on the roster yet. I wanted to see her in action." Arlo explained to Broven 'Be careful what you wish for, you cocky bastard!' "So how do you want to settle this? One-on-one or three-on-three?" Broven asked "One-on-one." Broven who noticed that the Welston team was changed asked "Looks like you've switched up your team as well, who's the new girl?" As Broven pointed at Seraphina "Oh, mean Seraphina? She's actually a returning veteran!" Broven thought 'Seraphina? Where have I heard that before? Wait! Seraphina?! The same one who instantly took out entire roster?' "Alright, let's get started then!" Arlo told a nervous Broven.

"Turf wars between Welston and Agwin will now begin! Jacks pleas take your positions! Whichever team knocks out the opponent's line up will be victorious!" Elaine announced.

The first match was between Jack of Welston, Blyke vs Jack of Agwin, Gou. "And FIGHT!" Elaine announced, not a second later Gou charged at Blyke as Blyke jumped backwards 'He's fast! A melee fighter maybe?' As Blyke created two energy balls and tossed them at Gou 'Don't let him get close!' Gou dodged the first one and jumped over the second one and tried to crush Blyke however Blyke using his lasers to propel himself from the attack. 'What?! He used his energy beam to dodge it?' As he looked up he noticed Blyke charging another laser and shot at Gou who was able to jump out of the way but his leg got caught up in the laser 'AUGH! My leg!' Gou thought to himself 'STOP MOVING AROUND! SO ANNOYING!' Blyke thought to himself while Gou thought how to get to Blyke threw rocks at Blyke who just grinned and shot two small laser at the rocks which created a smokescreen allowing him to charge up a laser and move close up to him 'WHAT THE HELL!' "Dodge this." Blyke said 'there's no way I can avoid that ! Especially with my leg like this!' Before Blyke could shoot "STOP." Broven announced "This round's victor is clear! It's our loss." Broven said "I, uh" Gou who tried to say something was cut off by Broven "it's fine. Come get your leg healed." The queen who walking towards Blyke said "i'll take care of it."

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