Ch- 10 Serial killer on loose

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This chapter contains graphics deception of violence.
You have been warned.

John's POV

"Hah, look at how weak you are!"

"Quickly! grab him so he can't run away!"

"You really think you can fight back, huh?
We'll teach you a lesson!"

'Stop! Stop it!'


"L̵͖͕͊͋͐e̵̪̫̘͊̚̚t̸̠͙̼̔̀͋ ḿ̸̻͖͒͝e̴͙̞͉͆͋͋ h̵̡̙̝͌͌͠e̵̪͎͎̔̓͠l̵͔͓̟͋̈́p̸͍̞͙̾̓͝ y̵͓̠͓͆̀͋o̴̺̘̠̐͘͝u̵͇̪͖͐̓"

I jolted awake from that nightmare. I looked around and notice Sera sleeping on the couch, I get up and make my way to the bathroom and wash my face 'Calm down. It was just a dream.' "Bodies found in the alleyway of Welston" 'I should look for the murderer before it kills anyone else.' I make my way to my room and put on my hoodie, a mask and a flashlight. After that I went looking for the Serial killer.

"Do you really think that just because you're a vigilante your past will disappear." I stopped moving 'That voice!' "It's my way of atonement Claire."

After reaching the alleyway where the bodies were found, I put on my mask and walk in, realising how dark it was in here, I grab the flashlight I brought and started making my way looking for some bodies 'This is very cliche.' I think to myself.

Walking around, I found a body, in disgust I cover my mouth with my hand. The limbs weren't even connected to the body, the chin was connected to head with a thread of skin, apart from his head the rest of the body didn't even have some skin and his eyes were gouged out.

I almost barfed in disgust but I was able to calm myself down 'Poor guy must have suffered alot before he died.' I walk past the body and start making my way through the alleyway, I found the serial killer who was a girl with purple hair and red eyes around my age eating another person. I quickly removed my mask and barfed in disgust which bought the girl's attention towards me 'ok, I have Isen, Blyke, Remi, Arlo and Sera's ability on me, I can use those.' Before anything could happen I saw a huge monster charging at me, the monster didn't even have eyes or ears just his mouth which had rows of sharp teeth, six arms which had claws and to top it all of it was fast, I was only able to dodge it because of Sera's passive. The monster was around 60 feet tall and seemed to be the ability of that girl.

As the monster attacked me, I was able to dodge its attack but before I could do anything a claw came to slash, I was able to block the attack with a barrier but the attack was able to crack the barrier, I quickly remove the barrier and heal myself after that I charged at her using Sera's and Blyke's ability to change my trajectory so I couldn't get hit by the claws. After reaching in punching distance, I went to punch her only for her to dodge my attack and bite my hand as I screamed in pain 'okay so that's her passive.' I create a barrier around us and using Remi's ability I electrocute her which caused the monster to stop after that I start punching her with Sera's ability and using Isen's ability to locate her weak spots, I screamed and punched her in the chin knocking her unconscious, I turned my attention to the monster noticing that it had disappeared.

I made my way to a wall and took support from it and started healing myself thankfully there was no internal damage so I could heal myself entirely but before I could I got punched in the face from the side knocking me away from pretty far, pretty sure would have fall unconscious if it wasn't for Arlo's passive, I got up and notice a middle aged man with green hair and red eyes grabbing the murderer from her hair "i'll be taking her.' The man said, before I could do anything he teleported away from me, I quickly activate Isen's ability to find him but he had disappeared from my range. "Look at you, who couldn't even save a person right infront of them." I ignore Claire and sighed in annoyance knowing I couldn't do anything, I made my way to the convenience store to get some food. After that I made my way back to my house.

Seraphina's POV

I woke up when someone opened the door, I rubbed my eyes and saw John standing in the door "Well, you're up early." I said to John as he kneeled down to remove his shoes "Had a nightmare" he told me "If you want, you can tell me about it." I offered "There's no need for that also I brought some food." Before I could say anything my phone that was on the table started ringing, I walked up to it and grabbed my phone to see 37 unread messages from Elaine "I think I should head back before Elaine's starts thinking am dead." John chuckles at this and threw a bagel towards me which I caught "Well eat it on the way."

After reaching my dorm, I opened the door to see a very angry Elaine "Seraphina! Why didn't you answer any of my texts? Where were you last night? You had me worried sick!"


So what do all of you think will happened to the serial killer?
I also wanted to thank all of you for all the support this story is getting, am really happy that people are enjoying my story :)
Also am planning on writing another story in which Seraphina and John don't end up working on the project and Seraphina in her third year started beating up people who talked shit about her behind her back so the royals Arlo, Remi, Blyke, Isen and Cecile try and stop her while John try's to save her from destroying herself.
What do y'all think about it?

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