Ch- 20

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"Welcome home Madam! We weren't expecting you back so soon." Fyora, the main servant of the Solas family, said "The meeting went much smoother than expected. How has Seraphina behaved while I gone?" Narissa said as she the gave the bag she was holding to Fyora "She has been acting quite differently from before. She spends the entire day locked up in her room and only leaves during meals. It seems she's been either playing games or talking to boys." Fyora informed "Hmm, is that so?" Narissa looked at her.

Seraphina was on her laptop, this time not playing video games instead looking up information about UNORDINARY 'Those who were caught with the books are bombarded with questions by authorities.' She quickly scrolled down and saw pictures fo vigilantes such as X-static, Shatterstack, Radiance etc but one caught her, the no-name vigilante's picture, in the photo the hood of his outfit was down but the mask was still on 'Black hair, amber eyes? No it can't be.' She didn't want to believe that John was a vigilante but the information she found only backed it up, the way the vigilante was fighting and the shape of his body. But when she clicked on a video about the no-name vigilante, the video started buffering 'Buffering? That never happened.' She placed the laptop down and walked up to the door 'Is something wrong with the router.' She opened the door when she saw her mother standing infront of her "Mom, you're back?" Seraphina asked as she tensed up "Seraphina, give me your phone." Narissa told her "Wh-why?" Seraphina bit her lip "I heard about whar you've been doing this past week. Wasting time on pointless socialising and playing games. Is this how you behave at school too? You're becoming just like your sister! Such a disgrace." Narissa said "Mom! Leilah never did anything wrong." Seraphina which caused Narissa to glare at her "Your phone." Narissa ordered, Seraphina to bit her lip and passing her phone to her mother "Don't forget why you were sent home to begin with. I want you to use the remaining three weeks to carefully reflect on what you've done. I've turned off your wifi so there'll be no distractions. Make sure you properly correct yourself and keep your door open from now on." Narissa said 'NO! I still have to ask John something!' Seraphina thought but couldn't tell her as she was too scared "Y-yes."

"Blyke!" Isen called out as he walked up to him "Where's Remi?" He asked "She'll be down here any minute." Blyke said "Sorry for the wait guys! Let's get going!"

'Ultra soft ergonomic, grip or titanium clip fountain pen? Which one should I get?" Isen asked himself while Blyke and Remi were throwing some balls at each other 'Maybe, I should get both? No I already have top many pens at home.' Blyke and Remi looked at him before looking at each other and threw two balls at his head "HURRY UP AND PICK ONE YOU MORON!!" Blyke shouted "You've been standing there for half-hour already! We're gonna miss the movie!" Remi shouted.

"Lyra, I've always been in love with you." 'Okay maybe the movie is great.' Blyke thought as he wiped his tears away.

"Shon! The truth is...." 'So beautiful.' Remi thought as she cried a little.

"....I loved you all along too." Isen as usual bawled his eyes out.

"See I told you it was good!" Isen said to Blyke "Eh, it was alright." Blyke crossed his arms "Don't hide it, I saw you bawling your eyes out at the end." Isen pointed at Blyke "What?! No that was you." Blyke said "Whatever." Isen said. While walking, Blyke saw a stall that was giving prizes to high tiers "Look." Blyke said, Isen turned around and looked at the stall before both looking at Remi who was a borderline god-tier "Hey Remi, come here for a sec." Isen said before grabbing her arm "Hold on, what?" Isen dragged her to where Blyke was "We want have her read." Blyke paid the man running the stall "But I already know my level." Remi said to Isen "Exactly! Free prize!" Isen gave a thumbs up as she approached the man "Don't worry, miss I don't bite." He said as he took her hand "HOW SPLENDID! Young lady, you're very powerful! You scored a 5.5! Congratulations!" The man said with a smile '5.5 that's it? Last time I checked, I was a 5.9.' Remi thought "Let me get you your prize!" The man said " And voila! A cute little bear for a cut little lady!" The man said as he presented the bear on the stall 'That's it? What a rip-off!' Both Isen and Blyke thought in unison but Remi's eyes widen which didn't go unnoticed by Blyke and Isen "Hey, are you okay?" Blyke asked as he pat her back, Remi picked up the bear and spun in around and ripped it open and pulled out a small chip. Blyke slammed his hand down on the stall "What's the meaning behind this?" Remi asked, the man raised his arm but Isen caught his arm with his ability activated "You heard her. Explain yourself!" All three of them glared at him "Ah, I-I'm just as surprised as you are! My boss gave me these prizes to hand out! I didn't know there were chips planted in them!" The man tried to explain but thanks to Isen's ability they knew he was lieing "Hmph. Nice try. You filthy liar. But I think you should come with us." Isen said but before anything could happened a smoke bomb fell and filled the area with smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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