Ch- 17

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John had just left the infirmary 'Right now, it's lunchbreak, so let's go to the cafeteria!' He thought as he made his way to the cafeteria. After finishing his lunch, he got up to throw away his tray when he was grabbed from the collar of his shirt "HEY CRIPPLE! REMEMBER ME!" Gavin said "oh for fuck sakes." John whispered to himself "The fuck you want?" John asked as he turned around to see Gavin with his ability activated 'I can't escape him this time as these people surrounding us probably won't let me escape.' "YOU NEED TO PAY FOR THROWING ME OUT OF THE WINDOW!" Gavin shouted which bought the attention of everyone else in the cafeteria.

"Are we gonna see Gavin beat John up?"

"Yeah! Kick his ass!"

"Meh, I don't care."

Before anyone could say anything else, John slammed his palm into Gavin catching him off guard before quickly hitting him with the tray he was holding which caused Gavin to move backwards but John placed his foot behind Gavin's foot which caused him to fall, before he could get up, John sat on him and repeatedly smashed the edge of the tray into Gavin's face. The cafeteria was silenced, no one was expecting John to win against a mid tier, after Gavin fell unconscious, John got up and threw away the tray and made his way too his next class. The news about what happened in the cafeteria spread quickly, many people not believing it. Gavin was attacked by many low-tiers, and all of them were defeated by him.

After class had finished, John left the class to see Holden with his ability activated, John quickly realised that he was sent after him by Arlo, before anything else could happened John ran down the hallway quickly looking behind to see Holden chasing after him as air cutters flew at him 'Unlike Ventus and Meili who I was able to juked, Holden would be on his guard, so how the hell do I defeat him? For now let's just run!' He kept running for about 5 minutes as Holden chased after him unfortunately Holden with his ability was faster than John so he was closing in on him on a frightening pace, John quickly moved into another corridor where he bumped into the queen Remi, he quickly turned around and said "AM SO SORRY!" But when he turned around he saw Holden was quite close 'I can't run anymore, if I do my back will be left open! I can't do that!' He started to charge at Holden but a lightning bolt shot through the corridor stopping both Holden and John in their place "Enough both of you!" Remi shouted, both Holden and John knew that even though Remi was the queen because Seraphina didn't want to be queen anymore, it still didn't change the fact that she was still in the top 5 strongest in Welston "Explain! Now!" She shouted but before we could say anything, Blyke and Isen ran from the end of the corridor, a chill went up Isen's spine when he noticed me "Remi! We saw your lightning so we ran here!" Blyke shouted in worry "What's going on here?" Isen asked "Isen activate your ability." Remi said to Isen "Yeah sure" Isen said as he activated his ability "So explain you two?" Remi asked both John and Holden, John was the first to speak "This son of a bitch attacked me right after my class finished, I was running away so I won't get beaten up." John explained, Remi turned towards Isen "He's not lying." Remi then turned to Holden "Why did you attack him?" Holden was worried, he didn't want to tell the truth to Remi "I wanted to know what happened in the cafeteria was true or not." Holden said, truthfully he was interested about it. Remi turned towards Isen "No, he's not lying either." Isen said "Don't attack someone just on a rumour Holden." Remi said to Holden "Am sorry." Holden apologised "Can I go now, my class starts in about 2 minutes." John asked "Sure." Remi said, John started walking towards his class 'What a day.' He thought to himself.

Arlo was walking down the corridor when Holden walked up to him "What happened? Did you break his phone?" Arlo asked "No, when I was about to, Remi stopped me. Don't worry I didn't tell her my actual reason." Holden said 'Forget about his phone, I should continue to break him.' Arlo thought to himself "What now Arlo?" Holden asked "We continue with the plan."

School had just ended, John was walking back to his house when he got a call from Sera, he quickly answered the call "Hey" John said "Hey, what happened? you sound exhausted." Sera asked him "Had a rollercoaster of a day." John said "Ooh fill me in." Sera said "Well firstly I hit Ventus and Meili on the head with a chair, Beaten a mid tier with a tray infront of like 50 people, got chased by Holden and got saved by Remi." John explained "W-wow. That's not what I expected." Sera said obviously taken back "Oh also I made some friends :D" John said happily "Aw good for you." Sera said sounding like a proud mother, John opened the door of his house and removed his shoes, jacket, his tie and his vest "I plan on meeting them in an hour and 15 minutes." John said, and he swore he heard Sera sob "what's there names?" Sera asked "Evie and Roland." John said 'I should probably tell her the truth soon' "Hey Sera when you comeback, remind me that I need to tell you something important." John asked which caused Sera to raise an eyebrow "Can't you just tell me now?" Sera asked "No, that's cowardice, I have to tell you face to face. Well am gonna go and take a shower and get into my workout clothes, so see ya!" John said whiplashing Sera with his sudden change of tone before ending the call.

Luke was waiting infront of a house, more specifically Vaughn's house, his house was right across the park so he could observe it from where he was standing, he saw children playing together and it warmed his heart, he looked around when he noticed a familiar car, a black Nissan altima, the car stopped infront of the garage, "Headmaster Vaughn, it's been awhile." Luke greeted him, "Luke, what brings you here?" Vaughn asked as he came out of the car "I have a request but let's talk about this inside." Luke pointed to his door "okay." Vaughn said before opening the door. I sat down on his couch as he sat down on the other side of the table "I think we both know what I want." Luke began "You want to expose the authorities and remove the hierarchy." Vaughn finished Luke's sentence before he could "And how are you planning on doing this?" Vaughn asked "Firstly, Ember and the authorities are connected, if we can get proof for that, we can break the trust between them and the people." Luke explained "And secondly, don't tell anyone what am about to say, ————————." Luke said which caused Vaughn's eyes to widen in shock "Don't tell anyone about it." Luke said "What bought you here?" Vaughn asked "I came here because when the time comes, I want you to help us, The Brittmen family helping us would give us even more power than we already have." Luke explained "Well anyway I should get going." Luke said as he stood up bid goodbye to Vaughn. He walked out to the footpath where he turned to look towards the park, he saw John with two other people and from the looks of it, he was teaching them how to fight. A smile came on his face seeing John making friends, a part of him wanted to tell John to stop being a vigilante but he knew John would tell him that he's committed to it and he can't leave the people that are suffering out there. He sighed as he activated his ability and teleported away.


Age:- 18
Ability:- Air
Level:- 4.2

If you are wondering this is what Vaughn's living room looks like.

If you are wondering this is what Vaughn's living room looks like

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