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My entire world was crashing down. There was no way I could go back to that place. And I'm sure that I will not return home. The Gamemakers already hate me and this will be a perfect opportunity for them to make sure I never get in the way again.

I fall to my knees and start sobbing. My hands move up to my ears and I gently tap my head against the ground. Tears roll down my face. All eyes are on the other Victors and I.

After another moment, I compose myself and slowly stand up again. I notice Rivin standing with zero emotion. He doesn't seem affected by this news. Marcus is no where to be seen. He must've left as soon as he found out.

People are staring at me especially after the breakdown I just had. I don't care how anyone perceived me at that moment, I just found out I was going to be dead in the next month.

"Where did Marcus go?" I question and Rivin points. Marcus is standing with his wife. He is holding his wife and reassuring her that everything will be okay and if he is chosen, he will try his best to make it back alive for her. Rivin and I both know that he wouldn't stand a chance back in that arena. It has been many years since his games and now he is older. Rivin glances at me and we make eye contact for a moment and suddenly, I know exactly what Rivin plans to do.


After a minute walk, I reach the cemetery. I walk over to my mother's and father's grave. It has weeds growing around and you can hardly read the name on it anymore. Quickly, I pull all the weeds and dispose of them.

"I love you, Mom and Dad." I sigh and continue, "Thank you for believing in me. I'm sorry for everything. I'm the reason you're dead."

I stand up and walk away to another grave. Bryce's grave. His grave has newly planted flowers, probably from his mother and father. They are the sweetest people but they've never forgiven me for their son's death...which is understandable.

"Hey... You know... I miss you."

Footsteps approach from behind me and catch me off guard. Immediately, I jump up. Alicia approached me with a solemn look.

"I overreacted." She says bluntly. "I just came to say good luck in there. I know Bryce would want you to win. Go make him proud. Find someone who makes you happy like he did."

"Thank you..." I lose my trail of thoughts and look down, avoiding her eyes.

"Well thats all." She quickly says and begins to walk away.

"Alicia." I reach out and grab her arm and pull her in for a hug. Some of the things she said hurt me but this is possibly the last time I'm going to see her.


It's time. I scan the crowd that are all gathered to watch us be taken to our death.

Marcus and Rivin stand on the right side of the stage. Emory, the escort for District 11 stands in the middle. She is wearing a neon green wig which is blinding to the eyes. She towers over me, at about 5'11.

She begins speaking, "Welcome everyone! We are here today to celebrate our 75th anniversary and our third Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games." She smiles.

DELIRIOUS - FINNICK ODAIRWhere stories live. Discover now