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As we are on the elevator, Emory begins her long speech, "The Capitol has completely changed for these games. This is like nothing before, its going to be very unpredictable. A new training center, new living quarters and most importantly, a new arena. You are facing previous Victors, which many are experienced killers. You two do have the benefit of knowing a few Victors. Jules - you know Johanna and you two are pretty close. Rivin - you know many more victors than Juliette. You won your games a few years ago, Rivin, which gives you a bigger advantage than Jules who only won two years ago. Use this to your advantage and make as many allies as possible."

We finally reach our stop and exit the elevator. The hall has green walls and there is white roses everywhere. We walk to the room which is ours. Marcus opens the door and we all enter. I can't say the room isn't gorgeous. There are huge windows and a gorgeous table.

I make my way to the room that is mine. Clothes that aren't mine are already in the room and it is beautifully decorated, like the rest of the building. There are huge glass windows and light blue walls. The bed has white bedsheets. I flop down on the bed and take a deep breath. At least my final days will be in a nice building before I die. Eventually, I drift off to sleep.

A soft knock at the door wakes me up. "Come in," I groan as I quickly sit up and brush my hair with my fingers. Rivin walks in slowly.

"Hey..." He says as he stands awkwardly. I pat the bed and motion for him to sit next to me and he does.

"I just wanted to say that I'm willing to help you in the Games and I will help you get mostly any ally you would like." He says as he shifts uncomfortably. I don't really know what to say, the gesture was kind, but I would like to make allies on my own.

"Yeah. I'd like to work with you in the Games. But honestly, I'd rather make some of my own allies. It would seem more genuine instead of you forcing it, you know?" I tell him.

"Oh... Yeah, I completely agree." He says, not all thet convincing but I let it slide.

"There is also food out there, if you're hungry... I think Marcus is going to lecture us so you should be there though." He says, smiles and gets up.

Sighing, I exit my room. They are all already there, which means I must be late. Walking over awkwardly, I find the only open seat, next to Rivin.

Marcus accused, "I didn't think you were going to show up, Jules," as he noticed that I was the last to arrive, a few minutes late.

Then, he begins his long speech to us. "You are going to have to completely forget everything you thought you knew about the Games. This year is going to be nothing like before. These people are experienced and they will not hesitate to kill you. You do need as many allies as possible but never be too trusting, the people who you think are your allies may turn on you."

"So you want us to have allies but you also don't want us to trust them?" I ask Marcus. That makes no sense, I tell myself. How are we supposed to have allies if there is no trust between us?

"Yes. Exactly. This year, Jules you cannot act like your first Games. You can't lose yourself over someones death, you can't make the Capitol hate you. You need them to love you these Games."

I roll my eyes. The Capitol hates me and I have no problem with it, I don't like them either so its mutual.

"They are showing the tributes soon on the television and I want to introduce you to everyone." Marcus says as be begins to walk over. Rivin and I follow and plop on the couch, which is quite comfortable.

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