|04 - SECRETS...

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The horses begin trotting as we exit the building. On the outside of the tunnel is thousands upon thousands of people. I stand, confidence radiating off of my body as I look forward, Rivin does the same. The sound of the horse's hooves hitting the pavement fill our ears. The District 10 victors in front of us wave to the crowd, while we do not.

People are with drums on either side of us. I look around and take in everything. President Snow stands on a platform, looking down at everyone. He is a pitiful excuse of a president.

The crowd begins to chant, "Katniss," over and over again. Which is not surprising as she is the Girl on Fire.


When that concludes, I look around, trying to find Johanna. After searching for several minutes, I find her.

"Johanna!" I yell as I motion for her to come over. She sees me and walks over.

"Jules!" She yells back and wraps her arms around me. Which is very out of character for her.

Johanna has never been affectionate, probably due to her Games and the fact Snow killed her family. Snow did the same to my family. I partially regret rebelling in my Games, as that was the reason he decided to slaughter them, in my childhood home. I was traumatized when I found my parent's bodies and the stench, I will never forget it... its the reason for the nightmares I still have today. Eventually, she lets go of me and looks at me.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She tells me.

"Me too. How are you feeling with all of this?" I question.

"Pissed. Fuck Snow. Fuck the Capitol. Fuck my stylist..." She cursed at everything and everyone.

"I see. You aren't very happy with this and neither am I," I take a step back from her. "What is up with this outfit? Trees?"

"Ugh. Don't even get me started on that idiot." She spats as she expresses her distaste for her stylist. I let out a small laugh at her comments.

Her eyes drift as she begins, "You have an admirer." She winks and nods in the direction behind me. I turn around and see a few people and Finnick. They are all chatting as he notices me looking and winks.

Embarrassed, I spin back around to look at Johanna but she disappeared. Are you kidding me? I notice her barge her way onto the elevator with Katniss, Peeta, and their mentor. That is going to be an eventful elevator ride.

I walk over to the elevator and wait for the next one to come.


The next day, Rivin and I walk into the training center. Many people are already training for the Games.

Rivin turns to me as we enter the room, "We need to make as many allies as possible. I know you said you wanted to make them on your own, but I could really help you with it."

"No. I told you that I didn't need help with it. I'm perfectly capable of making allies on my own." I tell him, annoyance in my voice.

"Okay... if you say so." I walk away from Rivin and watch what other people are doing. The Career siblings are throwing daggers and hitting the pixelated figures.

DELIRIOUS - FINNICK ODAIRWhere stories live. Discover now