Your favourite features on him

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Luke:His hands- As Luke's hands were much larger than yours; the skin-to-skin contact, with fingers interlocked, gave you a sense of comfort. Neither of you were big on PDA, so holding hands was the happy medium for you both. You were the one to initiate the hand holding: slowly pressing your palm against his. Regardless of whether Luke would be paying attention, he would instinctively connect the missing piece of the puzzle: intertwining your fingers and not letting go. The pair of you would be smiling from the small action of affection, his large, soft hands keeping you warm when cold, or relaxing you during a nervous event. Walking down the street on a busy day, his hands would lead you. His lean body would be in front of you, walking ahead with you following behind. The colour of his red snapback would separate him from the rest of the people who engulfed the busy pavement, each person trying to shuffle through the busy crowd. And rubbing small circles on the back of his hand with your thumb, the small action soothed him as he continued to guide you through the swarm of people. Holding Luke's hand was a form of protection to you, stopping anyone from getting close to you because you were his. 'You okay?' There was always a tone of caution of anxiety in his voice, a small worry in his mind that you may not be okay. 'Everything's fine. I have you to protect me.'

Ashton:His Arms- The small motion of Ashton placing his arm around your shoulder was enough to relax your entire body. Your body would immediately turn to him on instinct, hugging him tightly as his arms gave you warmth. Considering that Ashton definetely had muscle you always felt protected around him. There were those moments where he would come and randomly hug you, causing small goosebumps to form along your arms, instantly relieved of any form of tension by the reassurance of the small action. Moments in private were the best, as it was only the two of you in the room with no one to distract or take away from the amount of love and attention. There you lay, on your bed with a circle of subject notes and essays accompanying you. School was a major factor that contributed to your life, always keeping you on the ball the closer it got to the end of the working year. And whilst you were occupied in your bedroom, Ashton would be at the studio with the other boys, perfecting certain vocals that would feature in their next single. So when the door opened and closed, signifying his presence, your mind would be too focused to acknowledge that he was now home. His belongings would land on the couch, a long breath of relief finally leaving his lips. And knowing exactly where you were, he quickly turned on the balls of his feet, swiftly walking up the stairs, whilst the beat of their most recent track came out in the form of a whistle. Fast-forward to less than a minute later: your body was now in the comfort of his arms, Ashton spinning you around whilst your hands lay gently on his neck. 'I missed you' , his voice no louder than a gentle whisper, as he lovingly placed his lips against yours.

Calum:His Hair- Whether it be in a elaborately styled quiff, or rested in a shaggy manner, Calums hair was something you always appreciated. In a typical fashion, his head would resting in the crook of your neck, pouting in a childish manner from a previous event that occurred during the course of the day. 'It was not my fault.' And pleading his case with his arms folded, his legs lay sprawled across the couch as you continued to giggle. Calum was the person to let little things slip out of his mouth, but would continue to deny partaking in until it was forgotten about. You jokingly giggle from his defence, the gentle and soft skin of your hands weaving through his locks. Calum exhaled a long breath of relief, the soothing feeling of your fingertips massaging his scalp, ridding him of today's stress. His arms are lazily tangled around your waist, a loving feeling slowly developing in the pit of his stomach as moments like this were the ones he appreciated the most. Each quiet moment felt like an event, one that the both of you would be happy to revisit over and over again. 'You know I love it when you play with my hair.' 'But you know I love your hair.' Moments like these were also moments with small silences. Nothing awkward, just a moment where the two of you could breath. His ears listening intently to the slow rise and fall of your heart, as you watched your boyfriend fall into an inevitable slumber.

Michael:His Lips- Michael is the type of boyfriend who loved to smother you in kisses. Regardless of whether you were in public or not, Michael loved to kiss you, and you loved to be kissed. The feeling of his plump, pink lips pressed against yours gave you comfort. The current surroundings faded around you, the current moment only focused on you and Michael. He loves kissing you, and at times it seems as if his lips would rarely leave yours. And not one to linger often, he would often scatter them across your body: from your lips, to your shoulders, hands and neck. You and Michael would share the same hungry, but loving gaze; his long figure looming over you. Michael was the person to have passion for many things, but his adoration for you was unexplainable. His heart would beat rapidly at anything you did, giving him small goosebumps everytime you smiled. Everytime he kissed you, all the emotions he couldn't express in words would pour out when he attatched his lips to yours. His tongue was quick to reach for yours, the small attachment causing you to form a smile. Giggles would be exchanged between the two of you, teeth clacking together awkwardly due to a moment of confusion. 'I love you, you know that right?'

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