Carnival Date (Luke)

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Okay, so what ride do you want to go on first?" Luke says, swinging your intertwined hands back and forth as you walked. Your town had an annual carnival to raise money for charity, and you and Luke had gone every year since you were thirteen. However, this year was going to be different, as this was your first year going as a couple.

He pinches off a piece of the delicious, overpriced cotton candy and pops it in his mouth. "I don't really know. But you know I hate roller coasters," you warned, looking up to meet his gaze. The mischievous look in his eyes warns you to get away, so you quickly try to turn back but he grabs your waist, saying, "But, babe, it'll be fun! I'll hold your hand the whole time! I promise, I won't let go one single time if you go on that one with me." You see him point towards the biggest roller coaster in the park, which makes you feel queazy just by looking at it.

"Luke, I don't know-"

"We can get Taco Bell on the way home," he says, wriggling his eyebrows. Ugh he knows my weakness, your subconscious chimes.

"Fine. But then we have to go on that one," you say, pointing towards a tall tower. You can hear the screams of people on the ride even though it's way across the park. The ride takes you up extremely high, then when you least expect it, it drops you. It was your favorite, but you could never convince Luke to go on it.

He rolls his eyes, putting on his prideful, masculine act. "Pssh, that's nothing," he says. "You got a deal."

You get in line to go on the roller coaster, and the closer you get to the front of the line, the more nauseous you feel. You watch the cars going around and around on the tracks, going upside down and side to side, until finally, you get to the front of the line. You clutch Luke's hand right as you sit down in the seats, and the worker lowers the padded restraints over your shoulders.

You close your eyes and lean your head back, breathing in and out quickly. "Calm down, babe," Luke chuckles, and gives your hand a squeeze. "I'm here, I've got you. You'll love it, I swear."

You release a little squeal as the ride lurches forward, and immediately starts zooming forward. It goes up a steep incline, which immediately drops you at an almost ninety degree angle, or at least that's what it felt like. You screamed and screwed your eyes shut the whole time, unaware of anything other than the fear you felt.

When the ride finally stops and you stop screaming and step off the ride, you can feel your hair crazily flying all around your head. Luke follows after you, saying, "Whoa, that was amazing! You.. you had a pretty tight grip!" He laughs, showing you his hand which is clearly red. You feel your cheeks heat up as you continue trying to fix your hair. "S-Sorry about that," you smile. "But now you have to go on the Drop of Death."

His eyes widen, but as usual, Luke quickly hides his fear and follows you without a word. The line is pretty long, and it takes about twenty minutes before you get to the front of the line. Your nerves are replaced with excitement as you sit down beside Luke as a man comes up and pulls the bars down to secure you in place.

You watch Luke as you finally start to lift off the ground, and you giggle as you notice his eyes widen, his prideful act completely gone. You offer him a sympathetic smile as you hold your hand out for him, which he takes without hesitation. When you reach the top, you examine the view, taking in the beauty of your city, while Luke keeps his eyes shut tightly and you can feel him tensing up with anticipation for what's about to come.

With one loud click, you're dropped and you scream and laugh as you fly through the air. Luke is screaming, too, but you can tell he didn't enjoy that nearly as much as you did. When the ride gets to the bottom again and your feet finally touch solid ground, Luke practically runs off of the ride as soon as the bar is lifted off of him.

"God, that was the worst! Ugh, you're lucky I love you or else I would probably leave you right now for that!" he says, running his hand through his hair. You giggle, walking over to him. You place a kiss on his cheek, hoping to make him feel better.

You smile at him as he calms down, and finally, he stops pacing and meets your gaze. "You had a pretty tight grip," you smirk with a giggle, revealing your throbbing, red hand.

Sorry it's been so long, I'll try and do some more imagines soon. Sorry guys

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