How you meet

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Luke: You quickly stumbled out of the pitch black building that you pranced around in for several hours, the time of your phone reading 1:30am as the cold air gave you a breath of relief from the previous intoxication of drunken breaths. Colder than you expected, you instinctively wrapped your arms around your chest, hoping to lock in some of your body warmth as the night continued to get colder and darker. Seeing your friends disperse into separate directions among the streets, the crisp air tickles at your legs as the elongated line of people waiting to enter the club shrinks into a small group. Although you had more than usual to drink tonight, you weren't hammered. And finding a solitary spot on a nearby wall, you raised your arm and hailed for a cab. Looking down at your now swollen red feet, you regret the decision to wear the 5-inch heels you thought you would be ok in. The sobering breeze was unwelcoming, but to a certain extent, your mind felt it's own burst of relief. A 10 minute wait was usually not something to complain about, but the cold chill of the air, as well as the explicit chatter of drunk minds made it feel like more than just a 10-minute wait. Exhaling a long breath, you looked up at the night sky; the stars twinkling like diamonds, admiring the tranquility. The shudders and chatters become more heavy and almost violent, before you feel the warm material of a heavy jacket being placed around your shoulders. 'Here.' Turning to take in and thank the owner, you were unable to even mumble out a small 'thank you.' He is beautful: a broad body, a perfectly styled blonde quiff, and sea-blue eyes. A rosy hue now begun to form onto your cheeks, a blush now apparent. 'Thank you.' You managed to say quietly. He grins, positioning himself next to you against the concrete wall. 'I'm Luke.' 'Y/N.'

Ashton: No matter what country or city you travelled to, regardless of your current destination, bookshops were always your guilty pleasure. You were capable of spending several hours walking along the aisles, thumbing through multiple amounts of pages of hypnotical plots and influential words.Your finger traced ghostly traced over the captured memories. You knew well in your heart that nothing made you as happy as a good book did. Nothing could leave you so intoxicated and desperate for more: like a child would be for candy. He's just walking among the cobbled streets outside, as you decided to take shelter in here to disperse from the bustling traffic that continued to grow on the roads. As soon as the ring of a bell above his head vibrated a chime, the door closed and he looked around, noticing you almost instantly. He was immeditaly intrigued by the person in front of him, watching you quitely sip on your hot chocolate, intently noticing the way you slowly bit your lip at a new discovery of a horror novel. Nervously smiling as you grasped the new discovery into the small basket which contained your other finds of the day, you swiftly made your way over to pay. Ashton was muttering among himself for a minute or so, working up the courage to talk to you. Walking over to you with slightly shaky hands, but with a stride in his step, he speaks to you with a confident and simple 'Hello.' He was hesitant to talk to you, but once he looked into your eyes, he knew it was the right choice to walk over.

Calum: As your shift at the music store drew to an impending close, you let out a long breath of relief. Today was a day busier than the rest. Full of more rowdy customers, as well as the repetitive clearance of shelves, you had to constantly remind yourself of your pay increase in order to not walk out of that store. The Starbucks that rested across the street tempted you greatly, and when you were able to snatch a 5-minute break, the only thought that became apparent in your mind was the comfort of a hot drink. But once you arrived at the small coffee shop, the desire to have a coffee begun to fade. From outside, the line was short. And although the waiting time was not as long as you thought, by the time you could order the small space was crowded with frantic bodies. The temperature steadily rose to an uncomfortable rate, the heat impacting on you as the extra 'warm' layers you wore certainly were not helping. Swarms of people entered and exited, and you've never had to wait so long for a chai latte. So when your name was called after what felt like ages, you scurried over recieve you greatly anticipated beverage. Scurrying through the crowds, you were there for a solid minute, elbowing at people, but somehow managing to keep your drink in tact. But when you thought you got out lucky, a simple pointed elbow sends your much needed beverage over your coat and scarf. A wave of different emotions surged throughout your body, but mainly anger and frustration. The constant chatter of everyone made it difficult, but once you looked up to see who spilled your drink, you were short of a breath. 'I'm sorry.' The thick accent of Calum Hood, significantly louder as you continued to shuffle towards the door. 'Want to go outside. It's a little crowded. Don't you think?' You finished with a sympathetic smile, him accepting your offer with a new chai latte.

Michael: The open space of your friend's garden is full of chatter, fresh air, and the delcious and mouth watering taste of tender meat cooking on a hot barbecue. Different varieties of food lay lay cooking on the barbecue, as well as on an elegantly laid out table, the summer sun continuing to beat down. Wearing a hot wasn't really enough, as the heat continued to beat down, your back now warming up, not taking you much time to feel happier. The entirety of the garden was full of close friends and family members, celebrating the joyous occassion of your best friends engagement. As soon as the diamond ring, layed in a bed of white gold was placed on her ring finger: you were the first person she went to. And standing here, just a mere few days later, you couldn't be anymore happier with your life, as well as the life that was about to come for her. Discarding the alcohol, but taking advantage of the delicious platters of food, you sat one of the many white chairs, head tilted towards the sun as you let the worries of the day fade into nothing. The intoxicating smell of desserts made your mouth water slightly, a smile forming on your face from how much you were anticipating the arrival of the food, considering you were unable to eat earlier on. Your mind was in a utter state of bliss: so much you didn't acknowledge the person who saat next to you, until a loud clear of his throat. 'Y/N right.' You blinked stupidly in his direction as you took a second to realise that Michael Clifford was next to you. You were a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer, but you never followed the band in deep depth. It was taking you some time to get used to the famous relations your best friend had from her fiancé's career now taking off. He handed you a bottle of Evian, you taking it from his grasp into yours with a now questionnable tone in your voice. 'Yes. Michael right?' With a successful attempt at imitating him, he acknowledged your teasing. His face lit up, a faint rosy hue forming on his cheeks. 'Nice to meet you.' You nodded in approval, taking a long, but much needed drink of water, as your stomach begun to flutter with butterlies.

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