A transfer?

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Due to unknown reasons I was transferred from my school to a school here in Chiba. While I was leaving, my school mates looked at me with a sad expression. I did not feel like leaving but that man promised that if I leave this school and live in Chiba he will let me live my high school life in peace. I know that he had some other motives behind but I was sure about one thing. He never breaks a promise.

Here I was in Sobu high. I was assigned the Class 2-F. There must be a lot of sections in this school. Since I transferred in July which meant school was still functioning, I got little time to get used to my new apartment. It was a normal 1 bedroom apartment with a kitchen, bathroom and also a living room with it and it was on one of the top floors of a really tall building.

I was given a monthly allowance which made it easy for me to survive here. So, one and a half years here and then I have to head back to the white room.

I was standing outside the classroom as the homeroom teacher, Hiratsuka-sensei was telling the students about the transfer. Soon she called for me,

"Come in now."

I enter the classroom. So this was how a normal high school classroom look like. Honestly it was not much different from my older school but it had a different feel about it. I stood there and thought to myself. I have ruined my introduction once before, I cannot do it again. I begin speaking with a smile,

"Hello everyone, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I love to read books. Nice to meet you all."

Looks like this time it was a victory. This time the claps were not forced or out of sympathy but genuine. I recently learned how to smile from the net and practiced it many times. At first, it looked really creepy but now it feels more natural.

"Okay Ayanokouji, go sit there," said Hiratsuka-sensei pointing to an empty seat next to a girl with blonde hair. She kind of reminded me of Kei. I head over there and quietly sit at my seat. As I sat she introduced herself,

"Muira Yumiko. Nice to meet you."

I quietly bow my head. I had my poker face back so she looked a little reluctant to continue a conversation with me. I realized it and said to her.

"Sorry, that's just how I normally am since I was little. Nice to meet you."

The class starts and the teachers started teaching. As I already knew everything that was taught I quietly observed the class. To my right I noticed a boy dozing off in the middle of class. He had black colored hair and a really uninterested look on his face. Hiratsuka-sensei called him,

"You really hate my class don't you Hikigaya."

He woke up. His eyes resembled that of a dead fish and he was suddenly woken from his slumber by sensei's irritated voice. This is how he ended up here with me in the teacher's office. When she finished scolding him, she turned towards me.

"So, Ayanokouji, I heard from your previous records that you have helped other students with their problems?"

Where did she hear that? I don't like where this is going. She somehow reminded me of Chabashira-sensei. I simply nodded. She smiled and then told me to follow her. I followed her quietly as Hikigaya besides me was also heading in the same direction though he was reluctant to go there so he was threatened with a fist by sensei.

She opened the door to a classroom. All the desks were stacked in the back along with the chairs. There was one chair in the room occupied by a girl with long black hair. Her elegant look resembled that of Horikita. Calling her good looking will be an understatement, she was beautiful. She was reading a book and upon seeing us she said,

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