The summer camp

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The summer holidays were over and it was time for our second semester. Today I came early to the school for some reason. As I entered the class I found no one there so I quietly sat at my chair reading my book. Soon one after other people started entering the room and finally it was bustling with human presence. Hikigaya was in his seat talking to Totsuka while smiling for all the wrong reasons. He is a boy. While there was some time for homeroom to start Miura called out to me,

"Ayanokouji-kun, I heard there is a new transfer student to our class. What do you think about it?"

"What do I think? Does it really matter what I think about this?"

"As blunt as always huh?"

With this they got back to talking to their group while Yuigahama looking at Hikigaya from time to time. Homeroom started as Hiratsuka-sensei entered the classroom and said out loud,

"There is a new transfer student joining our class now. Come in."

With this the door opened and what came to my view was a girl with blonde hair tied up in a pony. She had capturing purple eyes and her pale skin with her slender arms will make her one of the more popular girls in the school. Well, she was one, how do I know this? Because I know this girl. She looked at us and cheerfully introduced herself,

"Hello, everyone. My name is Karuizawa Kei. I hope to get along with all of you."

Right now, I am having so many questions in my mind which were interrupted my Kei's voice. "Ki-yo-ta-ka?" I looked at her with the same expression as always and she smiled and her tears in her eyes. Seeing this everyone looked at me for explanation. I sighed and nodded. Hiratsuka-sensei interrupted this moment of our saying,

"So, you two know each other? Okay so, Ayanokouji, you will show Karuizawa around the school."

I simply nodded when she ran up to me and pounced at me with all her strength hugging me. She did not care we are in front of everyone now. I gently embraced her as I said softly in her ear,

"I am so happy to see you again Kei."

I broke the embrace while she was still crying a little. Hiratsuka-sensei again interrupted this pleasant moment of us by telling Kei where to sit. I had many questions to ask her but what is this warm feeling in my heart? Am I feeling relived? Am I happy? I don't know at the moment. All I knew was that Kei was here in front of me looking at me from time to time. This little exchange between us will surely make me stand out more but I don't care.

Homeroom period was over and the entire class was swarming around me and Kei as she came near my seat. Even Hikigaya was there looking betrayed. We were bombarded by questions and Kei answered all of them. The question which made her stop a little was from Yuigahama,

"What is the relationship between you two?"

"Uh.... Ah.... Um..."

She looked at me and I quietly nodded. With this new found courage she said while puffing her chest,

"Kiyotaka is my boyfriend."

After this statement there was silence for the next ten seconds when we were bombarded with more question. I could feel glares from all directions from both the genders. I caught Kei's hand and walked out of the class. They did not follow us. Seeing we are alone she hugged me again.

"Did you know how much I missed you?"


"You should. I am your girlfriend."

She said that puffing her cheeks and honestly it was really cute. Now, getting to the point.

"Kei, why are you here?"

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