Getting the help of someone exceptional

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As the boy with brown hair and golden eyes said that, I tensed up. Wanting to know why does he actually do it? There is no proper explanation for his actions or to be more precise, I can never know his true motives and next move.

"I love you Yukinoshita Yukino."

I love you Yukinoshita Yukino.

I love you Yukinoshita Yukino.

I love you Yukinoshita Yukino.

Okay. WHAT!! What did he just say? The words that left his mouth replayed in my mind again and again. I have heard these same words from many different boys in my entire life before but they were never able to make me lose my composure right now. I had no idea what expression I was making at the moment and there is no way of knowing it because the boy sitting in front of me was just staring at me blankly. How can he say something with a straight face? As I was about to say something, the bell rang. Not able to hold my embarrassment, I ran up to the door and opened it.

"Ma'am, I am here to inform you that the door lock has been opened. You can enter your apartment now," said the person who was standing there.

I looked over at Ayanokouji-kun as he miraculously teleported right behind me. Too close. Wait, why am I getting flustered by this? Normally if any boy was this close I won't mind or I may just start feeling disgusted by it.

"I called him, he is not from the staff from the building here though," he said.

"I-i-is that so. Well then, I will be taking my leave."

Saying that I ran to my apartment and crash on the couch (do anyone know difference between a sofa and a couch? I am really confused between the two and I am too lazy to google it even though I am writing this shit here). I remember my conversation with my mother back then. She told me about him. About the master piece of white room. About the demon that place created.

My father was an investor for the white room. I once over heard my mother and father talking about that place.

"So, you are seriously investing in that project?" my mother said.

"Yes, I am. I could not refuse the request from professor Ayanokouji. You know how much I respect him," my father said.

"Looks like I cannot win against you in this argument, can I? Okay, I will not go against your decision to invest in the white room for now."

When I heard those words, I unintentionally said out loud,

"What is the white room?"

My parents heard that and as they opened the door, I looked at them with a little scared look on my face. I felt like this was something I was not supposed to know about. I looked behind them and there was a big screen on which was a brown haired boy doing something. I was told to forget about everything I saw that day and was sent back to my room.

When she recently was talking to me, I was really tensed. My mother took over my father and was now controlling his business. My sister was next in line for the same as she was the eldest daughter. After a long serious talk she said,

"Yukino, is there any boy in your school you got interested in?"

"Huh? Why ask this al of a sudden?"

"I don't know. Maybe I am trying to talk more like a normal mother."

"Is that so?"

"Then, who is it?"

"It's... It's..."


"His name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

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