Start of the second semester

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Today was the start of the second semester in my new high school and I think I should be excited. I woke up, did my workout and went for a jog. Surprisingly, I saw long black hair in a ponytail flowing in front of my eyes. She actually came? I did not expect that. I would be jogging for some more time but she looked like she was out of breath.

"I think that is enough for you Yukinoshita. Go and take a break. I don't think you should overdo yourself."

She did not listen to me and continued running. Soon her legs became weaker and I could see her breathing heavily. She was about to fall when I held her shoulder.

"Told you," I said.

"Haah, haah, haah. Don't tell me you are going to run more," she said while panting grasping for oxygen.

"I still have thirty minutes left. I am surprised you could stay in pace with me for that long."

"Who do you think I am?"

"Yukinoshita Yukino, the ice queen."

She kept panting as I told her to go and sit down. By the look in her eyes, I could tell she does not wake up so early. Why on earth did she even wake up early for a jog? I was just kidding at that time. After thirty minutes of sprinting at my "full" speed, I came back to where Yukinoshita was as she was still exhausted and was drinking her sports drink. I sat beside her and chugged down my drink too.

"You are inhumanly fast," she said.

"No, I think I am average."

"No average person can run that fast," she said showing me a video of me running. When did she even take it? I did not mind honestly so I did not ask at all as she put her phone back. I stood up and told her to go back if she does not want to be late for school.

I went back to my apartment and took a shower. Getting in my cloths, I made myself some breakfast and walked out of the apartment. I locked the door and looked seeing Yukinoshita doing the same. I said that coincidences can be freaky but this is freakier than my freaky coincidence. Though I know that is what she wants me to think so I will play along with her for now. We went to the elevator and got out at the same time, then we went to school together. It was the first time I have gone to school like this with someone known. She would strike up conversation trying to get to know me better so she can help with my case.

"Your case is really complicated you know. I have no idea of what to even do with you," she said while rubbing her temple.

So, this was all part of that. I see. We got to school together while people were repeatedly glancing at us and whispering something to each other. Looks like it was unusual for Yukinoshita to come with someone to school but she paid no heed to it. When it was finally time for us to part ways she said,

"Well then, see you in club," she said.


I was about to walk away when I heard her call me out.


"Hmm?" I turned around facing her. She looked at me and smiled.

"I will definitely make sure that you become a proper human."

Her smile was not a fake one or something out of pity but a genuine one. I was taken by the beauty of that sight but I simply nodded and walked to my class. Outside the class I met Kawasaki who looked like she was waiting for someone. I looked at her and greeted her.

"Yo, Kawasaki," she flinched and stood up straight hearing me.


"Were you waiting for someone?"

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