The answer

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The cultural festival went without much problem except for Sagami-san messing up her speech but no one blamed her. The entire blame went to Hikigaya-kun who heroically became the villain. Yuigahama-san was really sad for him and to my surprise, hugged him tightly. I was watching from a distance but I could clearly see him blushing really hard.

"Hikigaya, you need to know that when you hurt yourself, even the people close to you get hurt. Look at Yuigahama," said Hiratsuka-sensei.

"Hikki, you are such a big idiot!" she shouted.

"What are you talking about? I did what Ayanokouji told me to," he said.

"And what exactly did he told you? I doubt that he will tell you to do this," I joined in the conversation.

"He told me to take care if something happens."


"Told me not to be too reckless."

I knew it. There is no way he would say something so vague. Later, we all went back to our home but I was unconsciously waiting for Ayanokouji-kun. Just what has gotten into me? I said so many embarrassing things to him. Ahh, I can just die of embarrassment. By the way, I wanted to ask when he comes back but did not text him because if he said it was something important to deal with then it was really important to the level he had to even sacrifice attending his first ever festival. I might as well just hold him captive for an entire day.

I reached my apartment and my eyes darted at the door next to me which was locked. I entered my apartment and quickly took a shower and changed my cloths. Upon checking the time, it was 6:00 PM at the moment so I decided to make dinner. I have been living alone for quite some time so I knew how to cook well. For some reason, there was a voice in the back of my head telling me something big is happening to him. I don't know when or how it happened but I can be sure that I had fallen in love with Ayanokouji-kun. Was it when he said those words to me? Or was it when he started working more than usual because I had a lot of load or was it when he hugged me?

The warmth I felt at the time was incomparable to anything. It was the most pleasant feeling in the world. (Honestly, hugs feel good) I did not feel like letting go but at some point, my conscious kicked in and I had to let go of him. I looked at the pot and the dinner was ready. I had already prepared some rice in advance. I decided not to have any fancy dinner so I only had miso soup with rice and fish. Sounds like a simple dinner but I really enjoyed eating it. I sat down at the dining table to have dinner and as soon as I was about to start, the phone rang.

I saw the contact and it was my mother's. I had no idea why she called me so I picked up.

"Yes, mother," I said in a respectable voice.

"Yukino," she was sounding a little worried.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Be really careful around Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

As I heard those words, my mind went blank. I could not understand what was going on so I went silent but mother's voice brought me back.

"What do you mean?"

"I am about to send you some videos. Watch it if you want to but I highly recommend against."

With that, she cut the call and very big file was mailed to by mother. It had seven video files in it. I did not know if I should watch it. The way mother was telling me not to then I don't think I should. I had never heard her like this. She was sounding really worried about me. The last time I heard her like this was when I almost got hit by a fast moving vehicle when I was only five year old. Not having the enough courage to click on them, I placed the phone back and ate my dinner.

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