A question which still needs an answer

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The reason why the last ending was not the actual one. First, it felt rushed to me and I hate rushed ending and was also not satisfied with that ending. Second, I cannot leave Yukino crying and end a story, I am a Yukino simp. Third, I wanted to do an April fool chapter even before April fool. Don't hate me for this guys, it was not you, it was me. Also, this chapter has lemons as I promised.

My breath fastened and became uneasy, tears fell down my eyes and my heart was aching. I had no idea it would hurt me so much, just because the person I fell in love with does not feel the same way. I know who he really is, I know how he really functions and yet I don't know anything about him. That is why I want to know more, I want to learn about him so that I can look him in the eyes and say.


I woke up. I was still in my bed and was wearing my cat pajamas. It was something I found online and was really cute so I needed to buy it. My heart was still beating really fast and I felt my eyes and it had tears falling in them. Just because of a dre- no, it did not feel like a dream. It felt too real. The emotions I felt, the pain I felt. Was it a vision? I don't believe in some stuff but that was a thought which crossed my mind. I quickly checked the day and it still was the day of.

Today Ayanokouji-kun will be coming back. I quickly got out of bed and stretched.


This sound escaped from my mouth and I quickly covered it feeling a little embarrassed. I looked at the clock and it showed one it. Wait, but I slept at 1:00AM. Does that mean?

I quickly opened the curtains and it was bright sunlight which entered my eyes. Quickly covering it with my hands, I realized at it was 1:00PM in the afternoon. I quickly rushed to the bathroom to freshen up but did not change my cloths. I still had to confirm one thing. Walking towards the door, I reached the nob and gulped. Unlocking it, I opened the door and looked.

There was a box of cookies there with a note on top of it.

Seeing that, I covered my mouth thinking what I saw in the dream may happen. I picked up the box and opened the note. Before reading it, I gulped and then read the contents of the note. After doing so, a smile appeared on my face. What is with this guy? The note said,

"When I was coming back, we found a really good cookie store and they were really good. I had bought a box each for everyone and here is yours. I ringed the bell but you did not respond so I had to write this note.

-Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

That smile soon converted into a small laugh. While standing there, I just kept laughing. He really is the most unpredictable and the weirdest guy I have known but I was still happy that my dream did not come true.

"You like cats so much that you bought that?"

Hearing that overly familiar voice, I instantly stopped. Looking at him, I grew red as a tomato. He saw me in these cloths. Ahh, this is so embarrassing. (I was tempted to write Ahh mou but I stopped myself) Sitting in the hallway couch was my neighbor, schoolmate, club member and the person I fell in love with, Ayanokouji-kun.

"W-w-w-why are you even in the hallway?" I asked him still embarrassed hiding myself behind the door.

"I wanted to surprise you and also someone was making a lot of mess in the house."

"Why are you so rude to me Kiyotaka?!" shouted Asuna-san as she burst the door open peeking her head out.

Seeing me, she smiled.

"Oh, hello Yukino-chan. That is a cute pajama you got there."

I hid the cat ears of the hood in embarrassment. Quickly closing the door, I put my back against it breathing heavily. Soon, I calmed down and the previous smile made its way back on my face. Picking out one cookie from the box, I took a bite of it. They were even better than the cookies that I had in the dream though they looked the same. They were so good that I was tempted to take another bite out of it and within seconds, the cookie was gone like magic. In short, I ate the entire thing because they were really good.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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