The festival preparations are finally over but...

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After that little meeting with Haruno, I was on my way back to my home. As I entered the building, I felt two presence behind me. I knew who they were so I entered the elevator and was waiting for them to enter. They entered the elevator and we went to the top floor. After disembarking the elevator, I went into my apartment while they both were standing outside Yukinoshita's.

"Aren't you coming too Ayanon?" asked Yuigahama with a worried expression on his face.

"I bet he will go when we will leave. He wants to be alone with Yukinoshita," said Hikigaya with a grin on his face.

"And you are here with Yuigahama. Same vibes."

Saying that I entered the room and what greeted me was a big hug from the woman. I have not closed the door yet so the visitors outside were all witnessing it. Including the person who they came to visit. I closed the door before they could say anything. This was so embarrassing. I took off my shoes, went inside and freshen up. I had a lot of work today and Hikigaya had to do all his work all by himself. He had so much work load that I allowed him to take a 10 minute break. Even if we are kind of struggling with time, we cannot let the people working being overstressed or that would decrease the efficiency. That is why there are breaks even in big jobs at multinational company.

I sat down on the couch because I was a bit tired and the woman was making something in the kitchen. It smelled really good even from here. After five minutes, she entered with two cups in her hands of coffee and placed one in front of me. She has been working from home lately so she is here all the time and by all the time I do mean all the time. Even the groceries are bought by people who work for her while she is on the laptop the entire day. It is bad for her eyes.

She kept staring at me the entire time as I was peacefully drinking my coffee. I wonder what is for dinner today. I feel like eating a pizza.

"Kiyotaka," she said in a sweet voice as I was cut from my train of thoughts. I looked at her urging her to continue.

"You see, I have known you since you were born. Well, I am your mother so that make sense. I know how you behave with others, interact with people, what you like to eat-"

"Get to the point already."

"How rude. Mommy is trying to have a nice talk with you and you just cut me off. Hmph." She pouted while folding her hands and looking away. And I am the child here.

"Sorry, but can you please get to the point. I am a little tired today."

"Oh, is that so? Then would you like a lap pillow from mommy?" she asked tapping her laps and before I could say anything, she pulled my head and made me lay on her laps. If not for the forceful method, it was quite enjoyable. I feel a strange but good feeling in my ear for some reason. I looked up seeing she was cleaning it and I did not say anything because it felt good.

"So, what I wanted to ask. Aren't you taking a lot of care of Yukino-chan?" she asked me.

"When did you start calling her Yukino-chan?"

"Oh, when I was taking care of her, we had a long talk and got pretty close so I started calling her Yukino-chan. I used to talk to her a lot when she was little. She is such a nice kid. Also, I found out that she knows about the white room by mistake and she knows about you being the masterpiece."

"Is that so?"

"You seem really calm about it. Don't you?"

"I can't do much about that if she knows. I can only make her shut her mouth which I know she won't tell anyone."

"Now, why are you taking care of her so much? It is not normal to see you go that far for someone."

"I did go way far than that for Kei. Though it was because I promised her that I will protect her if she needs my help."

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