Japan's best vs America's best

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There was still one day to the festival and also the flight was today at 6:00 PM. The woman had already packed all the stuff and I woke a little more early than usual. I decided to up my work out because if the students were from the fourth generation, they were by no mean weak. Underestimating your opponent is one of the most fatal mistake you can do. I woke up at 5:00 AM and it was still dark outside but I did not care about that.

I got in my track suit and head to the park near the building. There were still some things here and there in the apartment so I could not work out there. I decided to do the exercise that I had in the white room. Five hundred pushups, pullup, crunches, sit-up and 30km of running. This was just the warmup but it was more than enough because I am sure I was by no mean weaker than how I had been in the white room. I worked out every day. I was done by 7:00 AM. It took me exactly two hours to complete as I decided to do three sets of all the exercise. My body was completely hot because of all the exercise. I even broke some sweat. I then went back to the apartment.

On reaching my floor, the elevator door opened and the figure of Yukinoshita in her track suit came in front of me. I slightly nodded my head in greeting and quickly started walking to the apartment but a voice stopped me.

"Done already?" she said.

"Why does it matter?"

"I was just curious. I saw you exercise from my window and you were looking more serious than usual. I was a little worried so I decided to check on you. Did something happen Ayanokouji-kun?"

"Even if something happened Yukinoshita, you shouldn't bother with that. It will be better that way."


"Yukinoshita," I cut her in the middle. This time my voice had weight to it which she did realize and retracted a little.

"I will not be able to attend the school festival tomorrow. I hope you guys can manage without me."

She had a confused expression on her face as she could not understand the reason for it.

"But why?"

"I have to be somewhere tomorrow and it's very important. I hope you understand."

With that I stepped away and before Yukinoshita could utter another word, the elevator door closed and I made my way to the apartment and the woman had woken up now. I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower then changed into my uniform. By the time I came out, the apartment was completely cleaned and there was breakfast on the table. She made some eggs and toasted bread along with that.

As I sat down, she placed a yellow can in front of me. Having no idea what this was, I looked at its cover and it read, "Max Coffee." I opened it up and took a sip and was really sweet to the level that Haruka would love drinking it. If this thing was in our school, I could see Haruka hoarding it in her room.

While eating the breakfast, I could see the woman glancing at me again and again.

"What is it?" I decided to ask.

"I am just sorry that you have to go back to that place because of us. We promised you that you will never go back there but these circumstances were not known. I am really sorry Kiyotaka."

"It does not matter anymore. All I have to do is defeat everyone there. That won't be a problem."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know about this world but if we are only talking about the white room... No one is better than me."

I was finished with my breakfast and I still had some time to go to school but I decided to leave anyway. I exited the apartment though the woman wanted me to stay and skip school but that is something I had never done. My full attendance was something I was really proud off and I want to keep it the same way even here. I closed the door and was not greeted by the figure of Yukinoshita. It was as if I was looking forward to it.

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