This is getting troublesome

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I was sitting at my station with Hikigaya next to me and we were taking care of the work Yukinoshita got. Well, more than half of it and even that was a lot. The amount of work we did before this was nothing compared to Yukinoshita's work. This is going to put a lot of toll of her. I am afraid that she may have to rest for a day. That is what she should do. While working I looked over at her and I could see rubbing her eyes and temple again and again. This was not good.

"What happened?" asked Hikigaya.

"I am just worried."

"About Yukinoshita? You guys got really close didn't you?" he said while elbowing me having a grin on his face.

"We are not as close as you and Yuigahama."

As I said that, his face turned a little red and he got back to work. I was just joking. Didn't know that was true. My speculation of Hikigaya so far was that even though the way he looks and how he thinks, he can get through a lot of situations himself. The problem was that it meant that he had to sacrifice something. It could even be himself. His way of doing did get the job done but he did not care about the consequences. When it comes to helping someone he has to, he would just do it his way without giving a second thought. He is like a little bomb who can self-destruct and harm himself and the people who care about him. Due to the way he used to live, he forgot that there are people now who care about him outside of his family. My hand unconsciously went over to his shoulder and I started patting his back. He looked a little stunned by it looked at me but I did not say anything and got back to work.

I got to know from Yuigahama that he had played a major role in solving Yuigahama's, Totsuka's, Yamimokuza's, Hayama's and Kawasaki's problems. He had a lot of potential in him too but he was like a rusted iron. It was looked like it could not be used but if we try, we can get the rust off and get the proper iron which has a very high value. That is Hikigaya.

"Excuse me," we heard a voice. My eyes followed the voice seeing the figure of Hayama standing at the door with a piece of paper in his hands.

"I'd like to submit an application for the group's participation."

"Application go in the back left bin," said Yukinoshita.

Hayama walked over to us as we were doing our jobs. He waved at me and Hikigaya and I replied by nodding and Hikigaya did the same.

"Do you have enough hands?" Hayama asked.

"No time to grasp the situation. We drones have enough on our subcommittee plates," replied Hikigaya.

"What subcommittee?"

"I am assistant historian."

"I am just helping with any extra work," I said.

"By any you mean?"

"If any station had some problem with their work or are short on hand, I assist them and handle their work. I am doing that right now along with Hikigaya."

"Whose work is it?"

"This one is Yukinoshita's."

He looked at the work we had in hand and then looked over at Yukinoshita as her work was increasing by the second. We just started half an hour ago and her work had almost got to its original amount. It would have been good if a certain someone did her job but there is no good fretting on that. I continued doing my work and Hayama just stared at us.

"Then isn't Yukinoshita-san doing everything?" said Hayama. As he did, Yukinoshita stopped typing and looked at him. I know you are a bit concerned but that was the wrong move at this moment.

"It's more efficient this way," she said.

"But it will turn into a disaster real soon. You should learn to rely on others when worse comes to worst," said Hayama.

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