The family I never knew I had

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"WHAT!!" shouted everyone while I had my normal poker face on. I, for the first time had no idea of what was even going on.

"I thought so. So, you really are her son," said the elder Yukinoshita while nodding her head. The woman who proclaimed herself as my mother had not let go of me till now and I could still feel her crying. Everyone was confused by this development.

"I am sorry but I really don't know you," I said.

"Ayanokouji. Believe it or not, this woman is you mother," said Hiratsuka-sensei.

"Um... can I ask something?" said Yuigahama.

"Yes dear. What is it?"

"Why did Ayanokouji-kun say that he does not know who and you also complied with it?"

"About that. When Kiyotaka was 10 days old, I and his father got in a dispute and separated and he was the one who took Kiyotaka with him so it is only natural that he does not remember me. Now Kiyotaka. Let's go to the apartment where you are staying and I will explain everything to you."

For some reason I felt that she was not lying. I don't know what is it? A gut feeling or something? If she really is my mother then there are so many questions that need to be answered. She dragged me along with her and I did not show any resistance. I sat in the limo next to her as she was still hugging me. It has become difficult to breath now. She told the driver to go to my apartment.

As we arrived there, she opened the door as she had a spare key with her. I was told to sit on the couch when she went in the kitchen to make some coffee. All this made one thing clear. She knows a lot about me. More than I think. Coming back with the two mugs of coffee in her hand, she handed me one and sat next to me as I started drinking the black beverage. Once we were done, she finally spoke.

"You still think I am not your mother, right?" I nodded. She sighed as she took out a tablet. It had a DNA test on it. How did she even get hold of this information? The test did show that she really was my mother. Once I confirmed it, she opened her arms telling me to get in for a hug but I did not do that. She pouted a little and then video called a certain someone. After a few rings the person on the other side picked up. What was weird was that his voice was not cold at all when addressing to her. He had a soft, kind tone and was he smiling?

"Hi honey," she said.

"Oh, Asuna. To what do I hold this pleasure to talk to my lovely wife," that man said. I could not believe my ears. The way he spoke was completely different from what I had heard before and he also had a kind smile on his face.

"Look who is with me," she said then pulling me in front of the camera. Seeing me his expression stiffened a bit. He said in his usual cold voice and the piercing gaze.

"Kiyotaka. Have you been following the order?" he said.

"Honey~ I think its time that you drop the façade. I think Kiyotaka really needs to know the truth now," she said. What are they even talking about? I saw his face loosening a bit and then...

Tears started forming into his eyes as he broke crying. Seriously, for the first time. What is going on? He did not stop crying, he was saying the words, "I am sorry" again and again. I looked at towards my mother as she had a kind smile on her face as tears were also welling in her eyes.

"I am so sorry Kiyotaka. For all that I have done to you," he said as his crying become less.

"What do you mean?" I tried playing dumb because I knew full well what he was talking about.

"I am so sorry that I had put you in the white room. I don't know what had come over me to take that decision which I have been regretting my entire life. I could not get you out because the rule was a subject cannot leave the white room unless they fail or break down completely. I tried multiple times to get you out but I just couldn't. Me being the person I was did not want you to see this side of me so I put up this façade of a strict, commanding father."

He again started bawling his eyes. He cried so much till now that I could see his eyes getting red but I did not feel anything. No emotions towards the man's pitiful state. I just looked at him with blank eyes.

"I thought that if I could somehow get you to fail in the white room, I could get you back here. That is why I raised the training of the fourth generation by a lot so that you would fail and come back to us. The time I showed you all the failures, I expected you to plead to me to get you out of here. Forget plead, if you even said, "I don't want to be here" once, I would have gotten you out but you didn't. Instead, you let go of your emotions. You became an empty shell whose only goal was to survive. When your training was done, I purposely shut down the white room to get you out of here but who knew Matsuo would do such a thing. I wasn't furious that he disobeyed his employer but I was furious that he made me lose the one chance I had to save you."

I felt a soft hand on my shoulder as the woman embraced me once again while that man continued to explain.

"I wanted you to come back to us and not to the white room. Sakanayagi didn't know about this situation and I never thought of telling him about all this so even at your school I had to tell you to come back to the white room. You thought that I never saw you as my son and you were right. You were not only my son; you are my everything Kiyotaka. Did you seriously believe that a father could so such a thing to his own child? I may be heartless or ruthless but there is also a limit to it. Again, I hope that you forgive me. Its okay if you hate me because of all the things I did to you but please accept this selfish request of a father."

Once he stopped explaining, everything made sense now. I sighed and spoke,


For the first time in so long I called him that. I could see the surprise on his face properly. His eyes which were wet are now sparkling.

"I never resented you or the white room. If it was not for the white room, I wouldn't have been what I am. This me is the me which I do not resent. I forgive you," I said to him. Listening to me, his eyes were again filled with tears as he started crying again.

"Thank you. Thank you so much Kiyotaka," he said. Then he cut the call telling he still has work to take care off. I leaned back on the couch feeling a little exhausted from this conversation. Who knew that I actually had a family who cared about me?

"Kiyotaka. You don't want to know more about mommy?" she said.

"I think there is no harm in that"

"Okay, so mommy here is one of the most influential people in japan. Also, I was from Chiba so I decided to live here while your father works in the white room. He does come home whenever he had the time to do so. I have one of the highest IQ in the world and I am not joking. As for you father, he was cunning but was really outstanding in physical aspects."

Now that is interesting. The whole goal of the white room was to make geniuses by giving them the proper education where genes do not matter and their masterpiece had such genes. Looks like white room still cannot get the results it wanted.

"Oh my, look at the time. Kiyotaka, mommy needs to go for some work so I will be leaving. Also, soon I will be living with you here so better be prepared for it."

With that she left. When she did leave, I went and lie on the bed. So, I actually have a proper family? That was one of the things that I wanted when I was young. I always used to cry thinking what I had ever done to suffer like this. My only goal was to live a normal life with a loving family. Looks like it will be fulfilled from now on.

Author's note- I know, the chapter was really short but I had to explain everything in this one and did not have any other ideas of what to write. I promise the next chapter will be long so I hope you don't mind this. Also, what do you think about this chapter? Please tell me because this one was a really big gamble so I want to know if I won this or lost this one. 

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