•chapter fourteen• (the real ending)

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hi everyone! I know some ppl wanted an alternate ending so here's one!! 😜

y/n swung her legs back in forth as they hung off her bed. she was contemplating on calling katsuki, she thought that he may be mad at her and she didn't want to upset him even more. after their situation in the fields, it was awkward but now that they had gotten caught sneaking out during a lockdown it was even more awkward. katsuki didn't have a reason to be upset at y/n though, he was the one who suggested that they sneak out.

y/n sighed and started to play a game on her phone trying to distract herself from everything that just happened.

not to mention, Aizawa was upset at both of them. y/n would have to do chores for a couple of weeks. thank god Aizawa didn't write them up, he said it was "too much paperwork" which is understandable.

y/n hadn't talked to anyone since she got sent to her room by her sensei. and she had wasted her whole day thinking about katsuki. she couldn't seem to shake him from her mind even if she wanted to. as she played her game on her phone she still thought about him. she wondered what he would be doing right now perhaps, he was sleeping or maybe he was up thinking about her too. she hoped it was the latter.

little did she know she was correct. bakugou couldn't stop thinking about how y/n felt about the whole situation. was she upset at him? did she not want to speak to him? is she sleeping? did she mean to kiss him? katsuki never overthought things, his mind was always straightforward. this or that. yet he was up at 11 pm staring at his ceiling thinking about a girl.

he never thought he would end up in this situation. he always thought girls and love, in general, were too much to think about on top of being a hero. but in 24 hours his mindset completely changed. he wanted to think about her, he wasn't thinking about anything else right now, but her... well, and his empty stomach.

he decided to take action. he wasn't going to slouch around any longer thinking about some girl. the bot grabbed his phone and went onto his messages app.

meet me in the common
room in 10 minutes.



okay, see you then.

y/n was surprised at his sudden text however she was happy that bakugou was thinking about her too. so of course she quickly got up and didn't bother to wait the extra 8 minutes.

walking down the common room she was a bit nervous. she had automatically thought that katsuki would be happy about talking to her. what if he wasn't? what if he wanted to tell her that he was upset at her? or yell at her for sneaking out with him? she didn't want to think of those possibilities. she shook those thoughts out of her head as she made it to the common room.

bakugou was already there, it seemed like he didn't want to wait 10 minutes either. she thought that that might be a good sign.

he was sitting on the couch and when he heard her footsteps approach him he stood up, brushing his pants off awkwardly.

"Why did you want to meet me? it's pretty late," y/n spoke a hint of concern in her voice.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"about what?"

the blonde boy didn't know what to say, he didn't want her to think he had brought her out here at 1-pm for nothing.

"I just- I just wanted to talk to you. I think I have to tell you something," he scratched the back of his head. y/n shifted her weight to her right leg and raised an eyebrow.

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