• hour four •

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you hummed quietly walking around bakugou's room

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you hummed quietly walking around bakugou's room. bakugou laid down on his bed facing the wall, he knew he wasn't sleeping though, he was just laying down. you were talking about stupid things while just exploring his living space.

"i mean, who knows what could be in the ocean we haven't explored much of it," you shrugged.

"mhm," bakugou hummed along. you couldn't tell if he just didn't have anything to say or he wasn't paying attention, probably the latter.

you looked over at his book shelf wondering if there was something you could read. you shuffled through the books, until you reached the books whose spines were faced to the wall.

you took one out and it was 'maid sama'. you're head quirked to the side, huh? you thought. you searched some more and found all 18 volumes. you see he'd a little bit more curious, he had Ao Haru Ride and all of the volumes too. he had many other romance manga, you took maid sama again to confirm its the actual one. it was. y/n scanned over it quietly. she was a big romance fan too, but she never would've guessed that bakugou was too.

"why have you gone quiet?" he asked his tone calm.

"no reason," you hummed with a smile on your face.

you heard his body shift making you hide the book behind your back and face him. he now sat up leaning back on the wall eye brows furrowed.

"what's behind your back?" he ask- no demands an answer his eyes narrowing, oh god. you could tell a storm was coming.

"um," you tried to find a way to get out of this.

"what's behind your back y/n?" he questioned standing up.

"well you know, i was just exploring you know doing what i do best. i uh i um- i might've looked in your bookshelf," you held the book up close to you're chest.

"put it back." he growled.

"i wanna read it tho-" you frowned.

"that's not mine, i'm holding it for a friend," nervously looks away. y/n could tell it was his, she wasn't stupid- well.. no she wasn't stupid.

"bakugou you can tell me if they're yours i like romance manga as well!" you smiled nicely, he was definitely going to kill you.

"it's not!" he yelled.

"then who's is it?" you questioned knowing he could either lie or stay silent.

"mina's," he spoke.

"so if i called and asked mina if it was her's right now what would she say?" y/n teased, it was fun getting a reaction out of him. she wasn't going to lie, his stupid little flustered faces were cute.

"shut up and just put it back!" he yelled, his red eyes vibrant.

"hmm, i kinda of wanna read it tho," she took her pointer finger and pushed it on the corner of her lip.

next thing she new she was running for her life, just like she was running with his phone it was now his book and bakugou was even more angry.

"no i'm sorry please!" you yelled as you ran, the room was small so you're legs ran in sharp circles. bakugou was close you, the only thing that kept him from catching you was that you got a head start, not by much though.

"please please katsuki i'm sorry, i'll never do it again," y/n screeched holding her arms in front of her and running as fast as she could.

"get back here you loser!" he yelled.

she giggled, and ran as if her life depended on it. y/n was having fun, even though she was getting chased by a psychotic teenage boy, she enjoyed this.

she felt hands creeping up on her sides making her yelp. bakugou's arms wrapped around her waist from behind and lifted her up."drop the book!" bakugou yelled.

"no!" she shouted back unable to control her hysteric laughter.

"drop it!" he yelled again letting out a small chuckle. y/n thought he probably chucked out of anger but no, bakugou enjoyed hearing her loud adorable giggles. he would never admit it, but her laugh was so contagious he couldn't help but laugh a bit and loosen up.

"i refuse!" she kicked her legs around, her stomach starting to hurt at how hard she was lauging.

"i guess i'll have to get it the hard way" the boy shrugged throwing her on his bed. she gasped, screeching as her back collided with the bed. he stood in between her legs and tickled her. her chest, heaved up and down as she just couldn't contain her laughter.

"stop it!" she managed to choke out through her fits of laughter. she dropped the book to her side and bakugou didn't even notice because he was blinded by the girl in front of him. her laugh was sweet, cute, loud, but it didn't annoy him. not many things don't annoy him.

the smile on her face was adorable, wide, almost perfect. that didn't annoy him either. her kicking and wrapping around his hips every so often. her arms on his chest. he eyes closed shut. she looked so fragile, so alive, he didn't want to stop, he didn't want to not be able to hear her laughs. he was mesmerized i by her existence, the pure euphoria she was in and radiated. why the fuck are you thinking like this about your classmate? especially y/n bakugou thought. he noticed himself feeling a new feeling, he didn't like it, not one bit.

his fingers ceased and however their laughs didn't. he was no longer embarrassed or upset, just living in the moment. her legs unwrapped around him as bakugou leaned down in the crook of her neck trying to calm his laughs, she tried to calm herself as well. her hands found the back of his neck as she leaned her face into his neck trying to muffle her laughs with his skin. he did the same thing for her, his mouth in the crook of her neck, her neck muffling the sounds of his laughter.

you both didn't realize how close and intimate you guys were being.

"shhhh you're so fucking loud" bakugou sushed you trough his laughter.

you covered your mouth with your unoccupied hand, "you shut up too!" you giggled.


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