• hour twelve •

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"sorry that i kissed you, i wasn't sure what to do," y/n quietly murmured embarrassed

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"sorry that i kissed you, i wasn't sure what to do," y/n quietly murmured embarrassed. it was true she didn't know what to do at the time, she felt bad for kissing him in that moment. he was vulnerable, she felt like she had taken advantage of him in a way.

"why are you apologizing? you helped right?" he questioned, with a shrug.

"i mean.. it wasn't the right thing to do. you were in a different state and i just kissed you.. i feel like i took advantage of you or something. i'm really sorry, i shouldn't have done that." she trailed.

"do you regret kissing me?" the boy asked.

"i mean... i just wish it didn't happen that way," y/n mumbled. she didn't want it to seem like she didn't want to kiss him because she did, but she regretted the way she did it. she didn't want their first kiss to be some impulsive thing that your not even supposed to do when people have panic attacks. it made her feel sad that she did that when they're were probably many other ways to help calm him down.

"listen, you helped. yeah there could've been better ways to help in that moment, but you didn't know. i don't really know myself. so, i don't want your apology," bakugou spoke, he really did mean it. y/n  scooted closer to the wall disconnecting their bodies, bakugous arm still around her. she felt too close, it all felt too intimate. bakugou had realized what he had gotten himself in at this moment too. this couldn't work, you both knew the reasons why.

"let's stop making this about me, that's insensitive. we need to get more positive, no more negative talk." you spoke brightly, flipping over to him and resting your hand on your head.

"yeah?" he raised an eyebrow, a slight smile turning on his face.

"yeah," you nodded. "and that starts with not going to sleep," you giggled. bakugou turned his body so his stomach was face down, he buried his head in his pillow and groaned.

"just let me sleep shifty woman!" he whined.

she huffed, "alright, alright, the sun is up though, we could do so many things!" she spoke laying flat on her back her eyes facing the ceiling.

"like what?" he spoke into his pillow.

"like playing some game on your xbox, or continuing uno, maybe watching another movie-" she listed but soon got cut off.

"how about we just talk until one of us falls asleep," he spoke turning to lay on his back now.

"mm okay what do you want to talk about?" she questioned.

"did i help with your studies?" he asked.

"yeah you did quiet a bit! thank you for that by the way. i'm probably going to ace the test," she smiled quite proud of yourself.


"how was your day? did i make it more fun?" you asked a teasing tone to your voice.

"they day just started idiot."

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