• hour three •

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"64.. 65.. 66.." y/n counted as bakugou did push ups. they both quickly got bored of candy crush so bakugou decided to start working out and of course y/n wasn't going to join along so she was cheering him on. he was going to do 200 push ups and he had just started.

"you got this!" y/n cheered.

"i know i do idiot now shut up and count," he said, effortlessly pushing his body up and down. y/n wished it was that easy for her.

"67.. 68.. hehe, 69!" she giggled at the silly number.

"you're such a perv!" bakugou yelled.

"could you stop yelling all the time? 70," the e/c eyed girl narrowed her eyes and pouted. bakugou wasn't having any of it.

"shut the hell up and do your fucking job and count!" he shouted him turning his head towards her and back.

she groaned but decided to ignore him, "72, 72, 73, 74."


"200!" y/n cheered.

bakugou let his arms out from under him as he fell on the ground and sighed.

"good work katsu that's a lot of push ups!" she went on to say. bakugou impressed himself and her, he was only trying to show off though.

"it was easy!" he shrugged sitting up criss cross. "it's you're turn now," bakugou smirked.

"what? no!" she squealed backing up from the challenging looking boy.

"here how about you just do 100 since you're a pussy," he shrugged again, raising an eyebrow.

"no!" she whined.

"than do sit ups! are you really that lazy, you're never going to get anywhere as a hero if you don't work," he sighed.

"okay fine, only because you are right i guess," y/n huffed and puffed out her cheeks taking a breath. she laid down on the ground and bakugou sat at her feet pressing them down so they couldn't lift up while doing push ups. his hands were warm, coarse though, from all of that exploding he does.

she lifted her body up her arms crossed her chests. it's not like she was unfit and didn't like to push herself it was just that, today was supposed to be her lazy day so she wanted to be lazy.

"1, 2, 3, you're not even bad, why were you causing such a fit? 6, 7, 8," bakugou questioned.

"today is my lazy day and when it's my lazy day, i am lazy," she spoke lifting herself up with ease.

"9, 10, 11, that's pretty stupid, 14, 15," he rolled his eyes, once again.

after a bit she started to get somewhat tired but she was close to her goal so y/n kept on going. "96.. 97.. 98.. almost there don't be a loser and pussy out, 99, 100!" bakugou said.

y/n did her last sit up and ended upward she pushed her h/c hair out of her face and sighed. setting her hands oh the floor to steady her. she looked up to bakugou, who was still holding her feet down. he felt weird, he didn't know what was wrong but something felt different. not about him, about her. he tilted his head trying to figure out what was different about her. she wasn't so annoying, maybe he was thinking about it too much but she was definitely different.

"bakugou?" the girl question tilted her head the opposite way of his.

"what loser?" he asked, she looked down at her feet hinting what was up. slightly embarrassed he quickly took his hands away and stood up.

"when is this shitty lockdown going to be over? it's been three hours?" bakugou questions trying to change the subject. however y/n could tell but didn't point it out to spare his embarrassment.

"how am i supposed to know?" you shrug, picking up you're phone. "can i play some music?" you ask.

"do you have headphones?"


"then no," he made a disgusted face. he was lying, he wanted you to play you're music. he wanted to see what you liked, what song you would play, what genre. he was curious, but it made him uncomfortable at how curious he was about you.

"please!" you begged pouting.

"no you dumbass," he threw you're pen that you left on the ground at you're head.



"please! i know you'll like it!" you pleaded with him holding you're hands together and resting then on you're chin.

"you're such a loser, go ahead. not too loud though or i'll kill you," he threatened giving in. you celebrated in you're head and quickly went to you're spotify playlist, you pressed the play button and the first song that came up was hayloft by mother mother. you loved this song, it was one of you're all time favorites.

"yes!" y/n exclaimed. bakugous head turned recognizing the beat, he didn't know you listened to mother mother. he wasn't going to call it out though. he sat at his desk and lightly tapped a pencil to the beat. y/n turned her head towards the sound seeing as bakugou knew the beat, and she almost forgot he liked to play the drums too.

"you know this song?" she asked turning her head towards him. he didnt bother turning back to her and just nodded.

"wow really! i didn't know you liked mother mother?" she exclaim humming along.

"so what if i do?" he turned around in his chair raising his eyebrows. his eyes narrowed and hooded. she quickly put her hands up in defense shrugged turning back around.


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