• hour two •

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"are you less idiotic now?" the amber eyed boy glared

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"are you less idiotic now?" the amber eyed boy glared.

"that's not a very nice name," y/n's l/c lips turning into a small frown. she wasn't really offended by this, he always had his way of teasing and she didn't mind. she actually liked it.

"neither is bakubitch, bitch." he sighed closing his books.

"touché, my friend touché" she shrugged with a nod closing her books and setting them down with bakugous.

"we're not friends," he rolled his eyes. did he mean that? of course not and you knew it.

"sure bud! anyway, what do we do now?" y/n asked knowing damn well that they would have to wait. but, waiting meant time for her and katsuki to hang out so she wasn't completely upset.

"we wait you idiot," he rolled his eyes standing up and crashing his back against the bed with his phone in his hand.

y/n stood up grabbing her phone and walking over to bakugous bed peeping her head over his phone. "i meant what do we do, like talking or playing a game to pass time." she spoke.

"first, we are not doing anything. second, you're way to close to me. third, i am going to be on my phone, entertain yourself i guess but if you touch any of my shit i will blow you're fingers off one by one," he growled tilting his head, and going back to his phone.

you sighed, "can i at least sit down?" y/n asked pointing to a spot on the boys bed right next to him.

"whatever shitty woman," bakugou rolled his eyes for what seemed like the 20th time today.

she sat down, legs dangling off the edge of the bed. she decided to text the class 1-A groupchat to see if anyone knew what was going on.


da vinky? (y/n)
hello fellow classmates
can someone pls explain what
is going on and if we should
be worried??

uwuraka (uruaka)
yes pls i am confused as well

"why are you texting in that shitty groupchat" the ash blonde made a disgusted face as if she commuted a crime.

"because i wanna know what's going on idiot!" y/n rolled her eyes.

bakugou quickly sat up and his eyes narrowed and you could tell he was getting his 'yelling face' ready. "i swear to all might if you call me an idiot again i will blast you're ass out of my room!" he yelled. y/n ignored his empty threats and went back to her phone.

off brand pikachu (denki)
guys i think the cute girls
of class 1-C invaded the campus

off brand pikachu (denki)guys i think the cute girls of class 1-C invaded the campus 😍😍

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