• hour nine •

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bakugou pushed you off of him, you almost falling off the bed

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bakugou pushed you off of him, you almost falling off the bed. "rude!" you yelled.

"you should blow your ass into pieces for showing them that picture," he huffed standing away from the bed.

"awh, why so mean katsu, do you want me to send you the picture?" you giggled.

"yes." he replied flatly, going over to his dresser.

"on it!" you were a little surprised that he actually admitted to wanting the picture, the picture was cute so, you could understand.

"turn away" bakugou sighed taking some random things out of his dresser drawers.

"heh? why?" you asked throwing your phone down on the bed.

"i'm getting changed. now turn around unless you're some on some mineta shit," he scoffed. y/n quickly turned around nervously, she even covered her eyes not wanting to be compared to mineta.

y/n waitednot daring to even make a move until he said so. hearing him shuffling around and fabrics moving together. she was about to ask if he was finished until y/n felt a hand on her side pushing her off the bed.

"hey!" she yelled falling on the floor. she saw bakugou getting on his bed, unbothered at the fact that he just pushed her off.

"huh?" he simply raised an eyebrow.

"that was mean," you frowned standing back up.

"cool. now, don't bother me or i'll blow you into shreads," he threatened getting under his covers and facing the wall.

"what are you doing?" y/n questioned. he surely wasn't going to go to bed right now she thought. was he?

"it's 1am, i'm tired so i am going to bed. don't wake me up." he coolly spoke. you cocked your head to the side, wondering what you were supposed to do.

where am i going to sleep? am i going to sleep? i don't even have pajamas. all of these questions ran through y/n's head, question after question. she walked over the the side of the bed messing with the sheets on the corner.

"bakugou?" she questioned.

"what?" he groaned, he faced away from her on side side.

"what am i supposed to do?" you asked gently speaking.

"the fuck do you mean?" he questioned.

"like, where do i sleep? and i don't have pajamas," you were trying to sound as undemanding as possible because he was a little intimidating.

"i don't fucking know? you have clothes on right now, wear that," he shrugged.

"but their uncomfy," you sighed.

"if you want my clothes just say it. don't act clueless, your too good for that," he spoke a bit harshly. but was he wrong? no.

she was acting slightly clueless because she did want to wear a clothing item of his. she thought his clothes would be warm and comfy, they would even smell just like him.

bakugous smell was complicated however, it was intoxicating. he smelt slightly like caramel or maybe just something sweet. but he also had a smell of burnt ness, it didn't smell bad though, he smelt like burnt firewood or something. she liked his smell either way.

"can i borrow your clothes?" she asked straight up.

"no." he flatly said.



"oh," she lightly said leaving it be, she was quite embarrassed and now had just wished she could pretend like she weren't here. just disappear, or maybe the dorms would come off of lock down. just something to ignore the fact that he flat out just rejected her.

"i can feel your pout from here, just go get something from my dresser," he shook his head sounding quite nonchalant.

her head perked up and she quickly made her way to her way to his dresser.
she opened it up to see a collection of shirts and pants. he had a large amount of sweatpants so she decided that he wouldn't mind if she wore one of his and just a random shirt of his.

"do you mind if i wear these?" she asked.

"don't care what you wear," he spoke not looking back. little did she know the boy had a huge smile on his face. sadly, for her y/n she couldn't see his face due to him being turned around.

the thought of her in his clothes made him melt. he wondered what she would look like, if his clothes would swallow her whole. he thought that they would've looked better on the ground though. he pushed those thoughts to the side recognizing that he shouldn't be thinking of her like that.

"ok don't turn around," she spoke, quickly undressing herself and putting on katsukis clothes. once she was finished she looked down at her body, liking the way that his clothes looked on her. the smell was intoxicating as always, his homey smell filled her nose making her just want to wrap herself up in a ball and smell his clothes all day. she decided to push these thoughts away too, seeing as though they should probably keep things "professional."

"katsu?" y/n hummed.

"hm?" he hummed back.

"can we watch a movie or something before you sleep?" she asked walking up to the bed fumbling with the corners of the sheets again.

he turned around to look at her, he almost melted at how she looked in his clothes standing at the edge of the bed like a child. a slight blush rose to the blondes face he tried to ignore it the best he could.

"only if i get to chose what it is," he said sitting up his back against the pillows.

"yes!" she punched the air then proceeded to climb in the bed sitting on top of the covers. she sat a distance away from bakugou trying to not make him uncomfortable.

bakugou put on a random movie that y/n didn't really care for, but as long as he was watching it with her she was alright. the movie was interesting thought so she watched intently. well, all until she felt something on her shoulder. she looked down and there bakugou was, sound asleep resting his head on her shoulder.

y/n wasn't really sure what to do. she wondered if she should wake him up, or leave him. she decided with the latter not wanting him to be cranky or upset. he must've been really tired, maybe he just stayed up with you because he didn't want to leave you alone. his spiky but soft hair tickled your chin and neck. you tilted you head laying your head on top of his.

"goodnight katsukitty~" you whispered.


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