• hour one •

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y/n stood on her tippy toes and knocked on bakugous door, trying to peak through the little peep hole

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y/n stood on her tippy toes and knocked on bakugous door, trying to peak through the little peep hole. when bakugous door opened she almost fell through relying on the door a bit too much. she looked up to she the ash blonde with unamused look on his face.

"katsuki-" y/n tried to speak but ended up getting rudely cut off.

"what did i say about calling me katsuki loser!" he yelled.

"shhh, people are trying to sleep you know. it's only 9am on a saturday!" you shushed him clutching your books.

the boy rolled his eyes and stepped out of his doorway to let y/n in. a burst of excitement rushed through her realizing that she had never been in katsukis room. when she thought about it she didn't think anyone had!

"wait a minute! has anyone ever been in here before? am i the lucky first?" she questioned after walking in. she was surprised that she was here, on bakugous command too.

"shut it shitty woman, i will not hesitate to blow your ass out of here!" he snarled. she made a disgusted face at his words. he closed the door and turned around to check out his room.

his room was very neat (unlike hers), everything was organized, books on shelves and man did he have a lot of books. it looked like he had some school books and some manga but she couldn't tell which mangas, due to the spine of the books being on the inside. he had a black skull tapestry hanging above his bed and a desk right next to his bed with what looked like school stuff on it. across from his bed was a nightstand and a TV  and next to the nightstand was a shoe rack, shoes organized by most fancy to least fancy. on the other side of that were just some workout equipment things like, weights, mats, and a bench to lift weights on.

"cool room, glad i'm the first one to see it," y/n turned back around to him with a smile.

"yeah whatever, take out your stuff. don't even think about sitting on my bed!" he growled.

y/n held her hand up that wasn't holding her books in defense, "yes sir!" she saluted. setting her books down on the floor she sat down along with bakugou.

"what do you need help with idiot?" bakugou asked.

"okay so, i don't know how to solve these types of equations, and i have to do this last weeks homework again because mr aizawa said i did it all wrong." she explained, as she opened her book and took a pencil out.

bakugou nodded and leaned over to get his books, opening them to the same page as her. he leaned over to her trying to figure out where she was going wrong in her equations. being the number 1 student in the class it didn't take him too long to find out.

"you dumbass, you forget to multiply this part and it's messing up your whole answer," he spoke taking the pencil that was in her hand and marking up her equation.

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