• hour five •

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"why are you always so hm

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"why are you always so hm.. how do i say it... reserved," y/n asked. they were still laying in the same position minutes later, now calm.

"i don't need to be outgoing to become a number 1 hero," he shrugged, his voice vibrating against y/n's neck creating a tingly feeling in her body. you didn't know why bakugou was letting you be so close to him right now but, you were going to enjoy i while you could.

"you're right but, if people think that you're unapproachable, then how will you become number 1 hero?" y/n questioned being completely genuine. she really wanted to know all of the thoughts and answers inside his head. he didn't answer right away, but you could tell he was thinking.

"you know you're really nosy right? why are you so lazy?" he asked rolling his eyes.

"hey! i'm not nosy or lazy," you frowned. he pressed his hands down on either side of you pushing himself up, he looked at you and raised an eyebrow as a "you sure." she frowned and grazed her nails against the back of his neck again, the action sent chills up his spine. she placed her hand to her side, bakugou almost frowned at the loss of contact. he flopped next to her on the bed, sighing.

"being number 1 isn't a social job, it's one where you're the strongest and you're on top," he softly spoke. it was getting dark in his room, the sun was setting and the lights weren't on.

"being number one doesn't always mean you're the best, not everything's about being the one on top," you spoke hands folded on you're stomach.

"it may not be for you.." his voice soft and somewhat determined.

"why is it for you?" you turned to you're side facing him, resting you're hands underneath you're head.

"weakness. only weaklings don't strive to be the best. i don't want people thinking i'm weak," he fiddles with his fingers still staring up to the ceiling. you tired to figure out what his face was saying you couldn't tell if it was too dark, or he was just good at hiding his true emotions.

"am i weak then?" you asked.

he paused, and turned to you, "no."

"then not everyone who doesn't strive to be the best is weak. some people are just trying to hold on and do their best for what they can. not everyone is like you so you can't just set unrealistic expectations for everyone around you." the words that came from your mouth were true, he didn't want to admit it but he knew.

"i can't be weak, not with my quirk," he sighed leaning backwards so his body was facing the ceiling again.

"everyone can be weak, some might not want to show it but everyone is weak in one way or another. you're not just someone trying to be a hero, you're not just you're quirk. you're a person, with emotions, feelings, opinions, you're human. stop trying to please everyone or be someone that you're not," you though it sounded a little harsh but someone needed to tell him.

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