• hour ten •

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DISCLAMER!!: in this chapter i am in no way trying to romanticize mental health or panic attacks. i was thinking of taking this chapter down because i don't want people to think that this was the intention, but i have chosen to keep it up for the time being. i just want to let everyone know that mental health is very serious and you should not do what y/n did. y/n didn't know how to handle the situation. i again i'm sorry if you felt another way about this chapter. if you have any concerns let me know. thank you! enjoy.




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heavy breathing, heavy breathy, heavy breathing. that's what y/n heard when she woke up. eyes fluttering open she found herself on bakugou's bed wrapped up in his covers. when her eyes adjusted they found a boy, not just any boy, her katsu. he was sitting up, his breathing was heavy, his chest heaved up and down, sweat covered the boy. what made her wake was his whimpers, his silent cry's. she couldn't see light entering the the room so she knew it was still the middle of the night. but she couldn't ignore his whines.

every thought rushed into her head. is he okay? why is he all sweaty? am in interrupting something? no, there has to be something wrong. what's wrong?

she sat up deciding to answer those questions.

"katsu?" she hummed.

the boy looked like he got pulled from a daze and turned to y/n, eyes wide, body shaking.

"hey, what's wrong?" she softly asked trying to speak as calmly as she could.

"don't look at me!" he yelled turning away from her to face the wall, he bent his body over so his head was in his knees.

she carefully reached over and touched his back, he flinched, so she quickly removed her hand.

"katsuki..." she breathed.

his silent whimpers were loud to her, she wanted to make them go away, she wanted to make everything go away. so she wrapped her arms around his back and waist and hugged him, her cheek smushed into his back. she wanted him to feel something, to let him know that she was there. she didn't know any better way to try and ground him but this. he didn't finch this time, though his whimpers paused. he was confused at why someone would want to hug him, especially now. why?

after a little bit his whimpers stopped completely, but his heavy breath still looked like it hurt. and his chest looked like it would just break from it heaving up and down. she unwrapped her hands and tried to turn his body around to her with the best she would. his back was against the wall now his long legs out in front of him. y/n say to the left side of his legs, not wanting to get too close to the point where he felt trapped.

"hey, look at me okay," she grabbed his cheeks him her hands, she felt like she was holding the world in her palms, the most precious jewel was right in the palm of her hands. "is this okay?" she asked looking down referring to her hand placement, bakugou nodded his head.

"focus on me, there's nothing but me here." his eyes locked with hers and they both would not even think about looking away.

"i know this is really tough for you, if you want to talk could you tell me how i could help?" bakugou didn't reply, he just kept staring in her eyes. y/n took that as a sign that he didn't want to talk. y/n breathed slowly slightly exaggerating it to send him the message and make him follow her breath. bakugou held her wrists that, as they locked eyes him trying to follow her breathing pattern.

"i know, i know. you're doing so well for me." she smiled. bakugou almost melted, he was aware of what was going on, he admired her for helping. she was perfect, she said all the right things in the right way. she knew how to help, and her smile that damn smile her smiled warmed his heart.

she didn't know what to do, this was definitely a panic attack of some sort, but she didn't know the cause so she couldn't figure what to do or what to say. so, she did the next thing that came to her head.

suddenly, y/n's lips softly connected with katsukis. the boy flinched back for a second before kissing back. they were both taken aback from this, y/n was confused on why she did and and why he kissed back. bakugou was just as confused on the same things, but that didn't matter right now. their lips moved softly against each other in sync, both of their eyes closed. bakugou melted at her lips, his body calmed quickly.

soft breathing, soft breathing, soft breathing. that's now what y/n heard.

she pulled away bakugou leaning forward a bit still wanting more. even though it was tempting she decided a against it. everyone knew what came out of a boy and girl in a dorm alone kissing. their was still a more important thing going on though, bakugou. is he okay now?

they both sat there for a bit, just breathing. trying to match each other's breaths the best they could.

"are you okay?" she asked.

"yeah," he breathed.

"can i ask what happened? or maybe how i can help?" she tilted her head in question.

"just a nightmare" he hummed looking for of embarrassed. you could tell he wanted to look away from you eyes out of embarrassment but he chose not to.

"this wasn't just a nightmare.." she spoke.

he huffed, as he looked down at her lips, they looked a little red, and her hair was slightly messy. he didn't feel like explaining.

"bakugou?" y/n called his name again. he seemed to space out thinking about things that he shouldn't. he knew better.

"it was a night terror.. and then a panic attack," he spoke under his breath. she nodded taking all of this in, she truly felt bad, she felt like she couldn't help.

"do you get these often?" she asked.

"mhm," he hummed. "don't tell a soul, i don't need people thinking that i'm weak," he rolled his eyes.

"i would never tell anyone. but, it's not something to be ashamed of. you're human, all humans have emotions. just because they get shown doesn't make you weak, it just makes you human. but, i'll always be here for you, i don't care weather you don't want me to think you're "weak" or not. i'm going to try my best to be by your side and help any way i can."

"when you say things like that it makes me believe you, so you better not disappear or anything. because i would just have to blow you up then," he shrugged.

"i would never disappear on you," a smile forming from y/n's face almost made him melt again.


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