• hour seven •

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•always forever by cults

•arms tonite by mother mother

•hopelessly devoted to you by Olivia Newton-John


bakugou grabbed his phone lazily seeming to put on some random playlist, he tuned it full volume and then threw his phone on his bed. "always forever" by cults started to play. "you and me always forever" the artist sang.

y/n smiled at the song choice. "good song choice" she smiled.

bakugou walked y/n to the middle of the room, and scoffed, "i know."

she rolled her eyes at his cockyness and started to waltz around his room pretending like she was in some type of ballroom movie. she twirled around him smiling, bakugou stood there unsure of what do to. she could tell he was a little uncomfortable so she decided to take charge and grab his hand, twisting and twirling him around. his feet moved in the directions she twirling him, a small smile on his face.

"you know you've got me in your pocket!" y/n sang along twirling around the boy.

"come on bakugou, get into the groove," you hummed. he scoffed, humming along to the song and moving side to side. "that's it!" you cheered him on.

"you're so stupid" he shook his head a smile forming on his lips. you spun into him, bumping into his chest, looking up at him you smiled at his smile. you liked his smile, it was cute.

"you and me always forever," she sang as the song ended, he hummed the lyrics as you sang that part. his head looking down at you, admiring your face and your horrible singing voice. he didn't mind though, nobody was perfect and he wasn't all that good at singing either so he would let it slide.

the next song played which was, "arms tonite" by mother mother. "i fell in your arms tonight," the artist sang. you both slipped out of your trance and y/n wrapped her hands around his arms making him dance along. you giggled at how silly he looked, which made him giggle.

"and hey you, don't you think it's kinda cute that i died right inside your arms tonight!" y/n sang, moving his harms to wrap around her body. she let go of his arms and placed her hands on his chest, bakugou kept his arms wrapped loosely around her. following her movements and swaying.

"that i tried to get back in your arms alive," bakugou softly sang. the song ended and just like how she did at the end of the last song, y/n left bakugous body twirling around the boy again as the new song started.

"hopelessly devoted to you" by olivia newton-john played. "Guess mine is not the first heart broken My eyes are not the first to cry," the artist sang.

"i love this song!" y/n cheered. she was surprised at how similar their music taste was. "we have to waltz to this one!" she excitedly spoke. they were being quite loud for it probably being at least 11pm.

"what no way!" he shouted acting disgusted.

"oh come on! pretty please?" she begged holding her hands together, trying to look as innocent as she could.

"stop making that face you look like an idiot," he cringed, you relaxed your face, regular now. "fine," he sighed holing his hand out, y/n quickly grabbed it excitedly.

she walked closer to him a small gap in between them. she put her hand on his shoulder and he put his hand on the small of her back being careful not to touch anywhere forbidden. bakugou was nervous, he didn't want to fuck anything up. y/n was slightly nervous as well what if i step on his foot? she thought. all of the bad possibilities floated through her mind. she reached her other hand up to meet bakugous, their hands interwinding. they swayed side to side, moving their feet in simple squares.

"my head is saying fool forget him," y/n sang along. bakugou stared down at her admiring the smile on her face, her smile is so angelic. he smiled a smile as big as hers. once she looked up at him, her eyes glowed and gleamed. the songs, the dance, his smile, his warmth, everything, it was so... how do i put it... immaculate she adored everything about this moment.

"but now there's no where to hide since you pushed my love aside!" they both sang putting a bit more of pep into their step. bakugou let go of her waistband and spun her around, lifting his and her arm up so she could go under. bakugou pulled her back into his chest, her yelping at the sudden contact. they were closer than before still space in between then but a small space. "hopelessly devoted to you," they sung.

staring in each others eyes, they seemed to get lost, not paying attention to anything else around them but each other. y/n subconsciously leaned in, and bakugou followed her movements, there noses brushed each other's, eyes closed, lips ready.

suddenly, y/n felt a pop and a sting on her hand before their lips connected. she jumped back at the sudden pain, and realizing how close they were.

"ouch!" she yelled, bakugou had made a little pop with his quirk. she wasn't sure if it was on purpose but it quite hurt, was she going to admit that though? never.

"i didn't mean to," bakugou shyly spoke, a blush rising to his face. you could feel your cheeks heating up because of the sudden tension. "my hands were sweaty" he wipes his hands on his sweatpants before backing up.

i'm guessing our dance party is over y/n thought. she would have to stay in lock down with bakugou for god know how much longer and she didn't want things being weird.

"when do you think this lockdown is going to be over? it's been like 8 hours, it's probably like 12," y/n sighed fixing her mess of a hair.

"the fuck would i know," bakugou spat reaching for his phone to turn the music off. you bit the inside of you're lip, you were embarrassed that you almost kissed, you couldn't believe that he even let you get that close. bakugou couldn't believe it either, he didn't know why he let it happen, he wasn't going to complain though. he knew what he was doing, he knew he was driving her crazy, she was driving him crazy too.

"watch your tone!" y/n spoke sassily, she wasn't serious just trying to provoke him to get in the playful mood they were in before.

"how abt you quiet the fuck down," he narrowed his eyes looking up from his phone.

"how about you stop being an asshole," you crossed your arms all most daring him. as you know, bakugous always up for a challenge.

"how about you fuck off," he dared back standing up.

"watch you're mouth," you walked up to him starting up to him, he had a couple inches on you. both of your eyes daring.

he raised his eyebrows in a daring manner. "don't fuck around with me, i don't wanna her your tone."

"stop acting tough," you raised your eyebrows just like he did in attempts to scare him.

"how about you shut the fuck up."

"how about you make me."

i've been popping off with updating lately 😩😏

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