• hour thirteen (the end)•

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"what did you say?" y/b hummed not hearing bakugou fully

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"what did you say?" y/b hummed not hearing bakugou fully.

"n-nothing," he shrugged.

she brushed it off not feeling like she had to pry any further.

the grass felt prickling against your body making you stand up. prickly grass always made you uncomfortable.

"what are you doing?" the boy below you asked.



"get up."


"get up," y/n ordered him making a lifting motion with her hand.

"don't tell me what to do" the boy grumbled, eyes narrowing.


"ugh," the boy groaned as he pushed himself off the ground steadying on his feet.

you took a step towards him, "tag!" she yelled touching his arm and running away as quickly as you could.

"heh? you goddamn shitty woman!" he yelled. after processing what happened he started to run after her. she were quite a bit ahead of him seeing as though you got a head start.

y/n's feet guided her running up and down the hill and all around, her laughter filled the air making bakugou laugh as well. y/n's  laugh was always so contagious, nobody could deny that.

"come back here!" he yelled, she could tell he was getting closer to her so she picked up her pace. bakugou angrily chased after her yelling and laughing every profanity he could think of.

she felt a sudden tug on her waist pulling her back and making her fall to the ground on your back. it was bakugou of course, he fell right on top of y/n.

his familiar warmth wrapped her body and his sent filled her nose. he pressed his hands to the ground and stretched his arms holding himself up above her. he looked down at her, she looked back up at him.

"how do we always end up like this," he huffed.

you let out a breath of amusement, "i think it's the universe speaking," y/n hummed.

"oh yeah?" he teased.


"and what is the universe saying?" he questioned, a smirk on the boys face.

"that you should brush your teeth," she laughed.

he let out a loud groan, "i hate you," he huffed.

"katsuki?" she hummed again bringing her hands up to his hair for the 5th time during this whole experience.


"what do you think the universe wants?" she questioned a genuine pure look on her face.



"not sure.." he mumbled. you both knew, the both of you were thinking the same thing too, and you both knew it. it was a deal of who was going to say it first, both of you were to scared to speak up.

"we should get going, if aziawa sensei sees were missing were in deep shit." y/n spoke up, bakugou cleared his throat standing himself up on his feet and lending a hand out, y/n took it with out a thought.


the walk was silent, neither of you daring to speak up about what just happened. there was so much tension between the both of you, not the good kind anyway.

getting back to the dorms wasn't hard but getting up to bakugous window was a bit challenging. y/n ended up wrapping her chains around the window sill then climbing up with bakugou on her back. (that bitch was heavy) once the two reached the top she climbed over the windows sill dropping bakugou and dusting her pants off.

"goddam," you huffed looking at your feet about to take your shoes off. bakugou didn't reply, just silence, he didn't move either. y/n looked up quiet confused, but to her surprise she saw her teacher, mr aizawa sitting on bakugous bed, looking like he was waiting for us.

"who wants to explain first?" he grumbled.

the two of you were at a loss for words, y/n predicted this would happen. god, she even told bakugou about her predictions.

why didn't you listen to your instincts y/n she thought to yourself.

"i- well- you see... uhm" she tried to collect words to say but miserably failed.

"shut up your making it worse," katsuki spoke silencing you.

"i don't want to even hear your sad excuses. lockdown is over. there were threats from a villain group to infiltrate the dorms, nothing to worry about, the other pro hero's and i have taken care of it. for you both on the other hand, you both will have to do everyone else's chores for 4 weeks, and you will not be permitted to leave the dorm for 2 weeks except for school. am i understood?" your teacher spoke through his teeth.

"yes sensei," the both of you said bending down to a bow.

"go to your room." he spoke dismissing you.

"yes sir," y/n quickly bowed again and scurried off to her room.



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