• hour eleven •

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"fuck you!" bakugou yelled

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"fuck you!" bakugou yelled. since bakugou didn't want to go back to sleep, even though you were tired but you didn't want to say anything. guys guys decided to play uno, why does bakugou have imo cards in his room, i don't know.

"sorry your bad at the game," you shrugged as he threw his cards down.

"fuck you, fuck you, fuck you," he flipped you off and repeated. you shrugged and stuck you tongue out teasing him.

"it's not my fault you're a loser," she kept on going on and on giggling.

"do you want to die?" bakugou threatened holding his palm out like he was going to blow you up.

"if it's in your arms then sure," she smiled, still messing with him. a blush rose to his face, and it was quite noticeable, y/n giggled. bakugou picked up the cards and shuffled them getting ready for a new round. he dealt the cards out without a word.

"cat got your tongue?" you spoke up.

"shut your face," he huffed out and he held up his cards facing him, and getting a good look at him. you decided to get off his case and do them same, your eyes searched over your cards. "i'm going first."

"you think that'll help you win?" you asked.

"shut up shitty woman!" he angrily threw a card out. you threw one out too.

"the sun's about to come up i think," you yawned, as you guys took turns of who put cards out. it's was about 5am and you were pretty sure the sun should be out by 6am.

"are you fucking tired or some shit?" he scoffed looking up at you for a second before facing his cards again.

"uhm, yeah a bit actually," she admitted. she was more than a bit tired but, she didn't want him to feel bad for keeping her up so she kept quiet.

"why aren't you asleep then," he shrugged like you was an idiot for not sleeping.

"because i want to stay up with you," you answered honestly throwing out a card, knowing you were about to win the game.

"that's fucking stupid, if you're tired go to bed," he spoke in a "duh" tone like you was stupid or something.

"i win!" you said throwing out your last card which was a draw 4. you thought that, that might've changed the subject too.

"i don't fucking care go to bed," he threw out his cards in front of him.

"katsuki.." you whined, "can you please drop it?" you begged. you didn't want him to be up alone, you weren't even that tired. he collected the cards and put them back into the box. "bakugou? what are you doing?"

he stood up reaching his hand out to you, "come on," he said. you looked at his hand then looked back at him, you did that a couple times. you wanted him to drop it and just let you stay up with him.

"katsuki.." you trailed.

"your so stubborn," he sighed coming closer to the floor and swooping you up. he held you by the waist and sat you on his hip like you would carry a child.

"hey let me go," you poked at his head to tired to scream and kick.


you huffed, as he layed you down on his bed.

"what? at least let me lay on the floor, this is your bed," you grumpily crossed your arms.

"no. now sleep," he huffed trying to push down you body to lay down.

"no! let's stay up, *yawn* we can play uno, or play gta, maybe we can even just talk?" you said pulling ideas out of your ass to try and get him to stay up.

he took the covers from under you and laid them on your body, making sure you were all covered up.

he then got in the bed next to you, you were still rambling about the things that you could do to stay up. laying over the covers bakugou turned you body around, "what, are you doing?" you asked about to turn around. before you could get the chance a arm wrapped around your waist pulling you in to the front of his body. you were so glad that you werent facing him so that he wasn't able to see the blush on your face. this quickly shit you up and you went silent.

"this shut you up? tch, loser. go to bed," he spoke.

"bu-" you tried to speak.

"i said go to bed, i'm trying to sleep here too y'know?"  he sushed me.

"if any of the teachers find us like this y'know were dead right?" you spoke up.

"i'm willing to take that chance," he said nonchalantly, your cheeks fired up. you wanted to just disappear right now, out of embarrassment.

you didn't say anything after that but just closed your eyes, hoping to get the best sleep you could. bakugou closed his eyes as well trying to control his breathing. his mind wandered, thinking of the girl that was in his bed, in his clothes, the closest she's ever been.

stop bakugou the thought.

he just couldn't shake her from his mind ever since their kiss, it was starting to bug him. all that was in his mind was her. her pressed next to him, her red lips when they had pulled back from the kiss, her body being swallowed in his clothes. he couldn't help but widen his imagination images of her, lips swollen, her hair messy, her body sweaty, her legs tangled with his, everything. he quickly snapped out of it making himself cringe about his gross fantasies.

"bakugou?" she spoke up.

"hm?" he hummed.

"was that your first kiss?" she asked.

"what? you can't just say things like that so randomly!" he flinched getting flustered. they haden's spoken about the kiss, not once. they both thought about it though, what could come out of that kiss. either a broken hearts or something that could break their hearts. broken hearts either way.

"was it?" she hummed.

"no." he answered playing with the fabric of her shirt, or should i say his shirt.

"me neither."

"is that all you wanted?" he spoke in a tired but slightly annoyed tone.


"uhm," she wondered with her words.

"spit it out," he said.


CLIFFHANGER??? no. jk.

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