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One week had passed since the akuma attack at Marinette's place. Luka was still not over the daze, he knew he had done something hurtful to her. After that fight was over, Marinette kept glancing at Luka with nervous glances which made Luka feel worse. He asked her a million times to tell her what he said, but she insisted that it was nothing. Luka felt annoyed by himself. He remembered feeling the same when he got akumatised as Silencer. 

Marinette aka, Ladybug and Cat Noir had defeated around five super-villains in the past week, Hawk Moth didn't even have any self-respect. Luka hoped that his concert doesn't get ruined because of him, the band has worked really hard this time and Marinette's designs were flaw-less. She was done with everything and the costumes fit everyone perfectly.

Right now, Luka was setting up the stage for the concert this night. Marinette, Alya, Nino, Ivan, Rose, Juleka were with him, all trying to help.

"Luka, where should I put these crepe papers?" Rose asked.

"Near the speakers."

"Luka, are the speakers on the right positions?" Ivan spoke.

"Yes, just shift the right one a bit."

"Hey dude," Nino walked to him with Alya, "do you want the video to be flashy or more relaxed?"

"Um, something in the middle." Luka winked.

"So you want it flash-laxed!" Nino said in excitement and Alya laughed, "This is going to be amazing!"

For a moment, Nino reminded Luka of Adrien which made him wish he was here. Luka knew it was absurd, wanting your girlfriend's used to be crush to be around, but Luka and Adrien had bonded a lot when Marinette was in the future. They had a lot in common. The only thing was, Adrien didn't remember this.

Just then, Marinette came running towards him, knocking a few things out of the way and yelling 'sorry'. Luka chuckled. When she finally stopped, completely out of breath, she mumbled, "Idea... idea!"

"Girl, breathe first!" Said Alya, who was standing right there.

After two minutes, Marinette spoke again, "Luka, where are the costumes I made? I was thinking you guys could have a dress rehearsal before the final performance!"

"Great idea, Marinette! We can do it,  I will go to Liberty and get the costumes right now." Luka said.

Juleka, who was passing from there with a box of decoratives said, "Or I can go, you should stay here and take care of the decorations."

"Yeah, that works too." Luka smiled as Juleka handed him the box and went away.

"But what about my dude, Adrien? He isn't here yet but he will be in the night to perform. Can we have the dress rehearsal without him?" Nino asked.

"Um..." Marinette started thinking.

"We should be able to do it without him, I don't think his father will allow him to come here before the concert." Alya said.

Nino shook his head, "Yeah, he has to complete a piano lesson, a chinese lesson and fencing before he can come here. He won't have time..."

"Well, Adrien will be able to catch up, you know?" Marinette added.

Luka knew they were right but Nino looked really upset. Luka didn't like seeing his friends like that and he was the oldest in the group which meant it was his duty to take care of the others.

"I think its worth a try. Anyone got any idea where Adrien might be?"

"Luka, you are not thinking about going to him? His father won't budge..." Alya said.

"There is still some time. I am sure Rose can take care of the decoration. If we hurry, we can be back here by the time of dress rehearsal."

"Okay, I'll stay here with Rose and the others. Marinette should go with you, she has had luck talking to Adrien's father before."

"I will stay too... The last time I requested something from his father, I got akumatised." Nino said.

"Juleka will be here in a few minutes, she will help you guys too." Luka said.


Adrien, according to Marinette's old time-table of his schedule, was at his home, practicing piano. Nino looked confused by the fact that it was Luka who asked Marinette for the time-table.

Luka ringed the bell in front of the huge gates and a device peeked through.

"Who is it?" A female voice spoke.

"I am Luka and this is Marinette. We are Adrien's friends and we would like to meet him."

"What is this regarding?"

Luka felt sorry for Adrien, yet again. This lady sounded so formal, Adrien probably didn't enjoy this.

"Er, we wanted to take him for the rehearsal for today's concert." Marinette said.

"I am sorry but Adrien's father has asked me to watch over Adrien. He will only be going when he finishes his work."


The device disappeared, leaving them outside.

"Rude." Marinette said. Luka moved his hand towards the bell again but Marinette stopped him, "Don't push it. We tried Luka, If we make Adrien come with us now, he won't be able to attend the concert."

"You're right... Lets go."


I think you can tell I am trying really hard to include Adrien, I don't want him to just disappear. He is one of the best characters in the show and we love him. We are almost there guys, thank you for being here and coming this far with me! Luv yah!

Until next time, Miraculours. Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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