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I know I am late... Thanks for filling my DMs and reminding me 🙃


Marinette was sitting behind Luka on his bicycle and he was taking her home. Of course Marinette was perfectly capable of going home on her own but she just wanted to have his company for a little longer. The two had been talking all the way and Marinette realised that is was extremely easy to talk to Luka, even though he was now her 'boyfriend', she saw him as one of her best friends.

When they reached in front of her house, both of them got up from the bicycle and faced each other.

"This has been great, Marinette," Luka said, grinning.

"Yeah. I guess I'll go now..." Marinette said and Luka opened his mouth to say something but then reconsidered and shut it.

"Bye!" She smiled and started to walk away.

"Marinette-" Luka took her hand and stopped her, "I hope that nothing changes between us. I mean, I will always be there for you as a friend whenever you need me. Just-"

"Hey," Marinette interrupted him and stepped closer, "Nothing will change if we try, which we will! We will always be friends, Luka. Don't worry." And with that Marinette did something even she did not expect herself to do. She tip-toed and gave Luka a peck on his cheek. He just stood there, dumbfounded.

"Bye, Luka. Take care." Marinette turned on her toes and went into her house. When she turned back, she saw Luka leave with a smile on his face.

"Marinette, where have you been?" Her mother asked lovingly when she saw her.

"I was with a friend, mumma." Marinette said but then wondered if she actually needed to hide the fact that she has a boyfriend from her parents. Her parents were pretty cool so hopefully, they wouldn't mind.

"I need to tell you something, mumma-papa."

"What is it, Marinette, are you okay?" Her father asked.

"Yes I am fine. The thing is... I'm kinda-sorta dating a guy." She took a deep breath.

For a few seconds, her parents didn't say anything, then, her father asked, "Who is it, Marinette? is it Adrien?"

"No-" Marinette began but was cut off by her mother.

"Of course not, Tom. It's Adrien, isn't it?"

Marinette was surprised and disappointed, why were her parents so convinced that it was either Adrien or Cat Noir she was dating.

"No, its Luka. My friend Juleka's brother."

"Oh," her mother said, "Well I have full trust on your choice, honey, and we have heard about Luka a lot."

"Although I would like to meet this young man, Marinette."

"Yes, papa." Marinette was confident that her parents will like Luka. When she was coming home with him, Luka revealed that when she was gone (as Ladybug), Luka had visited her parents a lot and had actually become friend-like to Marinette's mother, which made Marinette more certain that Luka will put on a good impression on her parents.

After talking some more with her parents and having her dinner, Marinette went to her room to get some sleep.

When she entered her room, she saw faint moonlight enter her room from a window. Marinette always liked to spend some time in her balcony, in the beautiful moonlight. She postponed her plan of sleeping for some minutes and went to her balcony.

Outside, she was relaxing while shutting her eyes, just to feel the light coming from the moon. Suddenly, she felt the light getting blocked by something. Immediately, she opened her eyes, fearing another akuma attack, but what she saw just confused her.


People, people, people, hear me out! I had a lot going on here so I am late! I told you guys about my exams but even those aren't completed yet! I went to a cousin's wedding so I missed 2 exams and I don't know when they are. Plus, when I got back, I was really sick (don't worry its not COVID, we had it tested), so I had been working on this chapter for quite some time now. And as upset I am to say this, I have to: This story might NOT end in december, because our stupid school is giving us projects for the holidays. When you read this chapter, you'll see that I was in a hurry to end this one.

Anyway, I wanna wish you Merry Christmas and a happy-happy-happy New Year! I love you guys and with this year basically being a Jumanji movie, you had a huge part in making 2020 live-able for me!

Until next time, Miraculours. Bug Out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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