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I have no words to describe my love for this guy.


It was almost time for Cat Noir to come and give Luka the miraculous. They had decided to go to the Eiffel Tower about half an hour before midnight.

Luka was definitely not ready. He had no clue what he would do when he sees her. Luka was almost sure that Ladybug and Marinette were the same person but he didn't know what he'd do if they aren't and only Ladybug returns, Luka would lose everything. He was counting on Cat Noir, even if Marinette isn't Ladybug, she has to be with her. 

There was a soft knock on his cabin's window.

"Cat Noir, come in!" Luka said as he opened the window.

"Quick, take this and transform!" Cat Noir was sure in a hurry.

"Sass! Scales slither!" Luka transformed, "Cat Noir, lets go!"

"Viperion wait,do you have any eggs?"


"Eggs. I always carry cheese for my kwami, you know for emergencies. I don't know why I never considered this, but I think you should carry around an egg or two. You can keep it in your pocket. Our suits are magical, so there won't be any problem."

"Buy Cat Noir, I have transformed now, if I go to my kitchen and my mother or sister comes in, then..."

"Well, I am sorry, I should have mentioned this before you transformed."

"Well, I think I will de-transform and get the eggs. Scales, rest." Luka was back.

Luka tip-toed to his kitchen and got an egg. He felt weird that he was in his kitchen, getting an egg, while Cat Noir was in his room.

Minutes later, he transformed again. He carefully put the egg in his pocket, he felt it slip inside, but then it almost felt like the egg just disappeared into thin air. Then Viperion put his hand in the pocket and felt the egg there.

"What if it breaks?" Viperion asked.

"It won't, trust me."

Then, after this little confusion, they left for the Eiffel Tower. 

"This is it." Viperion whispered.

There they were. There was still some time for Ladybug returning. Cat Noir and Viperion didn't talk to each other much, they were both very excited and nervous.

After about five minutes, they heard a clatter from behind a tank kept there. Then came a figure, with short chopped hair. 

"Cat Noir, I must go back soon, Ladybug is here!" The figure said and Viperion realized who she was.

"Bunnix!" Cat Noir jumped, but then he paused, "Wait, how are you here already?"

"The work finished sooner than expected." Bunnix said, and another figure appeared from behind the tank. This one had two pig tails. She came out as Bunnix urgently disappeared.

"Ladybug!" Cat Noir yelled at the top of his voice. He was in tears and Viperion felt his own eyes water.

"Cat, how have you been?" Ladybug said, Viperion was still in shock. She was back, but what about Marinette?

"I-I am okay, mi'lady. Is this really you?"

"Of course it is."

Ladybug started moving towards Cat Noir, but Viperion couldn't stop himself, he blubbered, "What, I mean, where is Marinette?"

Ladybug looked taken aback, then she said, "There must be some misunderstanding, Marinette Dupain Cheng isn't with me."

Viperion froze. Cat Noir froze too. Marinette wasn't with her?! She has to be Marinette! "But-" he began but ladybug cut him off.

"Oh kitty, I never even realized..." she was stepping closer to Cat Noir with each word, "You mean so much to me."

Luka could feel something wrong. The hair at the back of his neck stood up. "Just in case..." He said activating his bracelet.

"I know I didn't admit this before but," she took his hands, "I really love you, Cat Noir." She leaned towards him and he leaned in too.

Something is definitely wrong. Viperion's mind was on red alert. He was sure that Cat Noir wasn't sure of this himself, but he liked Ladybug too much.

Viperion's eyes diverted towards their hands. Ladybug was not holding it anymore, she was holding his miraculous, the ring in his hands. Viperion understood what was going on but he was too late.

"No!" He yelled as 'Ladybug' slipped Cat Noir's ring from his hands, and Cat Noir immediately started to de-transform. Cat Noir thought fast and ducked behind the tank, but Viperion saw who he was and his mind stopped working.


Then it all made sense, Cat Noir had given Luka his miraculous just after Adrien had become his good friend. But Luka was still dazed. And if Adrien is Cat Noir and he loves Ladybug, who is probably Marinette... and Marinette loves Adrien who is Cat Noir, then Marinette and Adrien love each other! Viperion's heart broke. He didn't do anything for a moment, but he never stopped wishing that Marinette is Ladybug.

Another person appeared from behind the tank.  It was Volpina.

"I have got the Cat miraculous, Hawk Moth! Getting Ladybug's would be easier now." She snarled.

"Forgot about me so soon?" Viperion said. He wasn't feeling very good but he didn't want Volpina to know this.

"What are you gonna do, play your harp at me?"

"Its a lyre."

She grunted in response.

"Don't underestimate me."


"Second chance!"

Viperion opened his eyes and the fake ladybug was approaching Cat Noir. "I never realized-"

"Cat Noir wait!" Viperion interrupted.

"Viperion, she's back! She-"

"No, she isn't. I just came back from the future! That's not Ladybug, it's Volpina's mirage!"

Cat Noir looked confused, but he shook his head. He didn't need much convincing. He backed away, wiping his eyes.

"Volpina!" Viperion Viperion called out, "Come out!"

No response, no body moved. The fake Ladybug was still as a statue.

Just then, from out of the shadows, came Volpina. She tried to hide her scared face behind a confident one.

She glared at Viperion with a murderous look.


This was long enough, wasn't it? Well then, I might upload a chapter to orrow itself, or it would be next Saturday.

Untill next time, Miraculours. Bug Out!

-InfiniTAE 💜 

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