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@PowerRangersSamurai   nice, eh??

Guys I know in the last chapter I didn't make it clear if Ladybug knows Viperion's identity but I have edited the last chapter so I would suggest reading that before you start this.


When she woke up next morning, Marinette ran downstairs to give her parents one big hug.

Marinette's father was in their kitchen and when he saw Marinette, he wished her, "Good morning, Marinette!"

"Good morning papa!" She hugged him and took him by surprise.

"Marinette, are you okay?"

"Yes papa! Never been better."

Then she hugged her mother and quickly ate her breakfast. She couldn't wait to go to school.

On her way, she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry!" She said and looked up. To her surprise, it was Adrien, "Adrien! Hi!" She was simply happy to see him after so long.

"Hey Marinette!" Adrien said, in his usual loving way.

"Well we better get to school or else we're gonna be late. But, you used to come by a car, right?"

 "Yeah, but my driver is sick. I feel bad for him but I have always wanted to go to school like this." Adrien smiled bright. Because of his father's cruel behavior with him, Adrien used to enjoy such tasks which people like Marinette do daily and are actually bored of it.

"You driver? I thought he was your bodyguard..." Marinette asked.

"Well, its a two in one combination." Adrien said as both of them laughed and started walking towards the school together.

When she finally reached school, Marinette hugged Alya. She was so over-joyed to see her class, even Chloé didn't seem bad. Just one person in the whole school was bad news for Marinette, Lila.

Even though Lila had forgotten about the incident which took place last night, she still was evil. She hated Ladybug for no apparent reason and no matter how hard Ladybug tried, she would never understand why working with Hawk-Moth isn't such an honor.

They went through all their classes. Marinette found out that she already has all the notes given previously. "Bunnix rocks!" Marinette whispered under her breath. When school ended, Marinette came out of the school building and stood there. She was desperately waiting for someone. Somehow, she had a feeling he would show up.

When she finally saw him, she went all red. She felt like she was evaporating. It was Luka. Luka had seen her too and was running towards her. Luka was Viperion, which meant he remembered what had happened in the past month, Marinette thought . When Luka reached her, he almost put his arms around her but then stopped himself.

"Marinette! How have you been?! I haven't seen you in so long- I mean I know we were both here but still, how are you?" Luka said and Marinette remembered that she still needs to fill in Luka about what Bunnix did yesterday. But she will do that later, as Ladybug.

"Luka! I am fine. How are you?"

"I am good too-" Just then, she heard a distant blast and knew immediately that someone was akumatised.

Great timing, stupid Hawk Moth!

"Um, Luka? I really have to go right now, I need to help my parents with something in the bakery... But can we meet in the park today? At 5?"

"Yeah Marinette, sure. You better go and help your parents in the bakery now." Luka smiled playfully but Marinette did not have the time to think about why. She quickly ran away.


From here on, the story will basically be about Luka and Marinette, I hope you like it. Its my first time writing like this! :D

Until next time, Miraculours. Bug out!

-InfiniTAE 💜

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